Bar Image
Off: Displays a bar with a fixed resolution of 300 x 1080, then moves the bar.
On: Displays and moves an image downloaded by the user. The image is displayed with a fixed height of 1080 and the
same width as downloaded. However, if the width of the image is below 300, it will have a fixed value of 300.
This option is available only when you have selected Washing Bar.
If you have downloaded only one image, the bar is moved and the image is displayed alone.
If you have downloaded multiple images, up to four images are displayed in sequence per cycle.
Bar Color
You can choose from six colors: red, green, blue, white, black, and gray.
This feature is only applicable when Bar Image is set to Off.
This option is available only when you have selected Washing Bar.
Off: Displays the bar opaquely.
On: Displays the bar translucently. (Transparency: 50 %)
This option is available only when you have selected Washing Bar.
Left To Right: The bar is moved from left to right.
Right To Left: The bar is moved from right to left.
This option is available only when you have selected Washing Bar.
Bar Image Download
To download an image, the image file must be located under the folder titled "ISM" on your USB drive.
Make sure to delete the old images stored in the internal memory before downloading a new image file.
Supported image file types: "BMP", "JPG", "JPEG", "PNG", "GIF"
You can download up to four images. (Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or lower)
If there are no images, or if the existing images have been deleted, the default image is used. (The default image is an
image of a white bar.)
This option is available only when Bar Image is On.