On Cleaning
Clean the product with a proper agent and dry it completely before using it again.
If the product is wet while used, an electric shock or fire may occur.
Unplug the display before cleaning the face of the display screen.
Use a slightly damp (not wet) cloth. Do not use an aerosol directly on the display screen because over-
spraying may cause electrical shock.
When cleaning the product, unplug the power cord and scrub gently with a soft cloth to prevent scratching.
Do not clean with a wet cloth or spray water or other liquids directly onto the product. An electric shock may
occur. (Do not use chemicals such as benzene, paint thinners or alcohol.)
Spray water onto a soft cloth 2 to 4 times, and use it to clean the front frame; wipe in one direction only. Too
much moisture may cause staining.
On Repacking
Do not throw away the carton and packing materials. They make an ideal container in which to transport the
unit. When shipping the unit to another location, repack it in its original material.
27CN650W, 27CN651W, 34CN650W, 34CN651W, 24CN650W
To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL, and other open source licenses, that is contained in this
product, please visit
In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are
available for download.
LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing
such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping, and handling) upon email request to
This offer is valid for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product. This offer is valid to anyone in
receipt of this information.
For models equipped with SSD (solid state disk), stored data may be lost in the event of a malfunction due to
the nature of SSD. You must back up important user data in external storage devices (USB HDD, memory, etc.).
By the nature of this product, a malfunction in the mainboard may lead to the loss of stored data. Accordingly,
you must back up important user data in external storage devices (USB HDD, memory, etc.).
If you shut down the product before system loading is complete, it may not shut down properly. Shut down the
product once system loading is complete. (System loading takes about 1 to 2 minutes to complete, but it may
vary depending on the user environment.)