background image



To Prevent Fire or Hazards:


Always turn the display OFF if you leave the room for more than a short period of time. Never leave the 
display ON when leaving the house.


Keep children from dropping or pushing objects into the display's cabinet openings. Some internal parts carry 
hazardous voltages.


Do not add accessories that have not been designed for this display.


When the display is to be left unattended for an extended period of time, unplug it from the wall outlet.


In the presence of thunder and lightning, never touch the power cord and signal cable because it can be very 
dangerous. It can cause electric shock.


Do not place any objects within 38 cm (15 inches) of the product.



Lack of ventilation may overheat the product from inside and put users at risk of burn injuries.


Do not connect a key-phone line to a wired LAN port.



A fire may occur or the product may get damaged.


Keep the product away from heat-emitting devices such as a heater.



The product may get deformed or catch on fire.


Do not put in metal items such as coins, hair pin or other irons or inflammables such as paper or matches. 
Especially, ensure that children will not do so.



There is a risk of product damage, fire, or electric shock.



If any foreign substance gets in the product, unplug the product and contact the local service centre.

On Installation


Do not allow anything to rest upon or roll over the power cord, and do not place the display where the power 
cord is subject to damage.


Do not use this display near water such as near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet 
basement, or near a swimming pool.


Displays are provided with ventilation openings in the cabinet to allow the release of heat generated during 
operation. If these openings are blocked, built-up heat can cause failures which may result in a fire hazard. 
Therefore, NEVER:



Block the bottom ventilation slots by placing the display on a bed, sofa, rug, etc.



Place the display in a built-in enclosure unless proper ventilation is provided.



Cover the openings with cloth or other material.



Place the display near or over a radiator or heat source.


Do not rub or strike the Active Matrix LCD with anything hard as this may scratch, mar, or damage the Active 
Matrix LCD permanently. 


Do not press the LCD screen with your finger for a long time as this may cause some afterimages.


Some dot defects may appear as Red, Green or Blue spots on the screen. However, this will have no impact or 
effect on the display performance.


If possible, use the recommended resolution to obtain the best image quality for your LCD display. If used 
under any mode except the recommended resolution, some scaled or processed images may appear on the 
screen. However, this is characteristic of the fixed-resolution LCD panel.

Содержание 24CN650N

Страница 1: ...ully before operating your set and retain it for future reference Copyright 2020LGElectronicsInc AllRightsReserved Owner s Manual 27CN650N 27CN651N 27CN650W 27CN651W 34CN650N 34CN651N 34CN650W 34CN651W 24CN650W 24CN650N www lg com ...


Страница 3: ...lectricalshockorfirehazards Inordertoallowtheproperoperationofallsafeguards incorporatedinthisdisplay observethefollowingbasicrulesforitsinstallation use andservicing Pleaseusetheproductintheproperenvironmenttoextendtheproductlifespan Usetheproductinasafe andstableplace Thewarrantydoesnotcoveranydamageresultingfromrecklessuseoruseinundesirableenvironments LGElectronicsInc doesnotprovidewarrantyfor...

Страница 4: ...slongasthisunitisconnectedtotheACwalloutlet itisnotdisconnectedfromtheACpowersourceevenif theunitisturnedoff Do not Open the Display Therearenouserserviceablecomponentsinside ThereareDangerousHighVoltagesinside evenwhenthepowerisOFF Contactyourdealerifthedisplayisnotoperatingproperly Donotattempttodisassemble repairormodifytheproductyourself Ifdropped theproductmaybedamagedorcauseaninjury To Avoid...

Страница 5: ...ugtheproductandcontactthelocalservicecentre On Installation Donotallowanythingtorestuponorrolloverthepowercord anddonotplacethedisplaywherethepower cordissubjecttodamage Donotusethisdisplaynearwatersuchasnearabathtub washbowl kitchensink laundrytub inawet basement ornearaswimmingpool Displaysareprovidedwithventilationopeningsinthecabinettoallowthereleaseofheatgeneratedduring operation Iftheseopeni...

Страница 6: ...undtheMonitor ex ElectricalSwatter Monitormayhavemalfunctionasitselectricalshock Usetheproductinaclean dust freeenvironment Otherwise thesystemmaynotfunctionproperly Donotusetheproductindampplaceslikealaundryroomorbathroom Moisturemaycauseaglitchorelectricshock Precautions to the AC Adapter and Power Ifwateroranyforeignsubstancegoesinsidetheproduct TV monitor powercord orACadapter disconnect thepo...

Страница 7: ...hileusingit Anextendedperiodofexposuremaycauseaburn Precautions in Using Donotstoreorusetheproductnearamagneticobject i e abagwithamagneticobject adiary awallet a memoboard high poweredspeakers abracelet oretc Otherwise thestoragedevice SSD andthesystemmaybedamaged andthesystemmayfailtooperate properly Operatetheproductwherethereisnoelectromagneticinterference Keepaproperdistancebetweentheproducta...

Страница 8: ...fthewholefamilyisusingthisproduct Whenupgradingyourproduct turnoffthepoweranddisconnectthepowercable battery andLAN Thereisariskofelectricshockorfireandtheproductmaybedamaged Donotdisassembleormodifytheproductarbitrarily Thereisariskofelectricshockandtheproductmaybenolongercoveredbythewarranty Handletheproductwithcaretopreventlossofdatafromthestoragedevice SSD Sincethestoragedeviceisfragile younee...

Страница 9: ... 24CN650W ToobtainthesourcecodeunderGPL LGPL MPL andotheropensourcelicenses thatiscontainedinthis product pleasevisithttp opensource lge com Inadditiontothesourcecode allreferredlicenseterms warrantydisclaimersandcopyrightnoticesare availablefordownload LGElectronicswillalsoprovideopensourcecodetoyouonCD ROMforachargecoveringthecostofperforming suchdistribution suchasthecostofmedia shipping andhan...

Страница 10: ...bytheproductwarranty Donotcarrythemonitorupsidedownbyjustholdingthebase Thismaycausethemonitortofalloffthe standandcouldresultinpersonalinjury Whenliftingormovingthemonitor donottouchthemonitorscreen Theforceappliedtothemonitorscreen maycausedamagetoit NOTE Thecomponentsmaylookdifferentfromthoseillustratedhere Withoutpriornotice allproductinformationandspecificationscontainedinthismanualaresubject...

Страница 11: ...ust Button Functions Information 1 Webcamactivitystatusindicator 3 PowerButton 2 Webcam 4 PowerIndicator Power Indicator Mode LED Color PCOn White PCSleep Blinking PCOff Off Webcam activity status indicator Mode LED Color Webcamenabled Green Webcamdisabled Off ...

Страница 12: ...sthevolumelevelofthemonitor Ifthemenuisactive Rightdirectionalkey Ifthemenuisinactive Changetheinputsignals WhentheinputsignalischangedtoPC thePCis turnedon DependingonthePCsetting Ifthemenuisactive Selectsandconfirmsmenusoroptions Downdirectionalkey Updirectionalkey Powerbutton HDMIinput Turnthemonitorpoweron off PCinput TurnthePCpoweron off Connectors CAUTION Takecautionwhenhandlingtheproductast...

Страница 13: ...itor keepituprightandneverturnthemonitoronitssideortiltitsideways CAUTION Avoidtouchingthemonitorscreenasmuchaspossible Thismayresultindamagetothescreenorsomeofthepixelsusedtocreateimages Ifyouusethemonitorpanelwithoutthestandbase itsbuttonmaycausethemonitortobecomeunstable andfall resultingindamagetothemonitororhumaninjury Inaddition thismaycausethebuttonto malfunction Installing on aTable Liftth...

Страница 14: ...bodytoavoidinjurytoyourfingers Adjusting the Angle Theangleofthescreencanbeadjustedforwardorbackwardfrom 5 to35 24 27CN65 5 to15 34CN65 foracomfortableviewingexperience 1 Placethemonitormountedonthestandbaseinanuprightposition 2 Adjusttheangleofthescreen WARNING Toavoidinjurytothefingerswhenadjustingthescreen donotholdthelowerpartofthemonitor sframeas illustratedbelow Becarefulnottotouchorpressthe...

Страница 15: ...tyourview Pivot Feature 24 27CN65 Thepivotfeatureallowsthemonitortorotate90degreesclockwiseorcounter clockwise Head Stand WARNING Toavoidscratchingthestandbase donotuseexcessiveforceorspeedwhenrotatingthemonitorusingthe pivotfeature andmakesurethatthestanddoesnotmakecontactwiththemonitor ...

Страница 16: ...toruptothemaximumheight 2 Adjusttheangleofthemonitorinthedirectionofthearrowasshowninthefigure 3 Rotatethemonitorclockwiseorcounter clockwiseasshowninthefigure 4 Completetheinstallationbyrotatingthemonitor90 asshowninthefigure ...

Страница 17: ...0 Ctrl Alt keyboardleftkey 180 Ctrl Alt keyboarddownkey 270 Ctrl Alt keyboardrightkey WARNING Takecarewhenrotatingthemonitorifthecableisconnected Toavoidinjurytoyourfingers donotputthembetweenthescreenandthestandbasewhenturningthe monitor sscreen Using the Kensington Lock Formoreinformationoninstallationandusage refertotheKensingtonlockowner smanualorvisitthewebsite athttp www kensington com Conne...

Страница 18: ...wall Wall Mount mm 100x100 Standard screw M4xL10 Number of screws 4 Wall Mount Plate Optional LSW149 NOTE Anon VESAstandardscrewmaydamagetheproductandcausethemonitortofall LGElectronicsisnotliable foranyaccidentsrelatingtotheuseofnon standardscrews Thewallmountkitincludestheinstallationguideandallnecessaryparts Thewallmountingbracketisoptional Youcanobtainoptionalaccessoriesfromyourlocaldealer The...

Страница 19: ...euseor misuseofinappropriatecomponentswillnotbecoveredbytheproductwarranty Whenmeasuredfromthebackofthemonitor thelengthofeachinstalledscrewmustbe8mmorless WallMountPlate BackoftheMonitor Standardscrew M4xL10 WallMountPlate BackoftheMonitor Max 8mm USINGTHE MONITOR Illustrationsinthismanualmaydifferfromtheactualproduct Pressthe buttonandthenselecttheinputoption CAUTION Donotpressthescreenforaprolo...

Страница 20: ...tdisplayoraconnectionerrormayoccur RecommendedHDMIcabletypes HighSpeedHDMI cable HighSpeedHDMI cablewithEthernet Connecting monitor DisplayPort Connection TransmitsthePC sdigitalvideoandaudiosignalstothemonitor ConnectyourmonitorwhichissupportedDP usingtheDisplayPortcable NOTE TheremaybenovideooraudiooutputdependingontheDP DisplayPort versionofthePC USB C connection Transmitsdigitalvideoandaudiosi...

Страница 21: ...r NOTE ConnectingyourPCtothemonitorusingtheHDMIcablemaycausedevicecompatibilityissues UsingaDVItoHDMI USB CtoHDMIcablemaycausecompatibilityissues UseacertifiedcablewiththeHDMIlogoattached IfyoudonotuseacertifiedHDMIcable thescreenmay notdisplayoraconnectionerrormayoccur RecommendedHDMIcabletypes HighSpeedHDMI cable HighSpeedHDMI cablewithEthernet Connecting Peripherals USB Cable connection PC TheU...

Страница 22: ...echargingspeedmayvarydependingonthedevice Connecting Headphones Connectperipheralstothemonitorviatheheadphonesport NOTE Peripheraldevicesaresoldseparately DependingontheaudiosettingsofthePCandexternaldevice headphonesandspeakerfunctionsmaybe limited Ifyouuseangledearphones itmaycauseaproblemwithconnectinganotherexternaldevicetothemonitor Therefore itisrecommendedtousestraightearphones Angled Strai...

Страница 23: ... the Main Menu Monitor buttons Menu Settings 1 ToviewtheOSDmenu pressthe buttonandthenentertheSettings 2 Usethe toadjusttheoptions 3 Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems pressthe or it 4 IfyouwanttoexittheOSDmenu pressthe button Theapplicablesettingoptionsareasshownbelow QuickSettings Input Picture Sound General ...

Страница 24: ...creen regardlessofthevideosignalinput Original Displaysvideoaccordingtotheaspectratioofthevideosignalinput NOTE Theratioisdisabledintheinterlacedsignal Thedisplaymaylookthesamefor FullWide Original optionsattherecommendedresolution Picture Picture Picture Mode Custom Allowstheusertoadjusteachelement Thecolormodeofthemainmenucanbeadjusted Reader Optimisesthescreenforreadingdocuments Photo Optimises...

Страница 25: ...eferenceforavideosignal thisisthedarkestcolorthemonitorcandisplay High Keepsthecurrentcontrastratioofthescreen Low Lowerstheblacklevelsandraisesthewhitelevelsfromthecurrentcontrastratioofthescreen DFC Adjuststhebrightnessautomaticallyaccordingtothescreen Picture Game Adjust ResponseTime Setsaresponsetimefordisplayedpicturesbasedonthespeedofthescreen Foranormal environment itisrecommendedthatyouuse...

Страница 26: ...ff Disablesthe MaxxAudio function Volume Adjuststhevolumelevel Youcanadjust Mute Unmute by keyinthe Volume menu General General Language Setsthemenuscreentothedesiredlanguage SMARTENERGYSAVING Conserveenergybyusingluminancecompensationalgorithm High Savesenergyusingthehigh efficiency SMARTENERGYSAVING feature Low Savesenergyusingthelow efficiency SMARTENERGYSAVING feature Off Disablesthefeature Th...

Страница 27: ...senabled Input Isthe NoSignal messagebeingdisplayed ThisisdisplayedwhenthesignalcablebetweenthePCandthemonitorismissingordisconnected Check thecableandreconnectit Isthe OutofRange messagebeingdisplayed ThisoccurswhensignalstransferredfromthePC graphicscard areoutofthehorizontalorvertical frequencyrangeofthemonitor PleaseseetheProductSpecificationsectionofthismanualtosetthe appropriatefrequency Gen...

Страница 28: ...ongedtimemaycausedamagetothescreen resultingintheretention oftheimage Toextendthelifetimeofthemonitor useascreensaver Aretherespotsonthescreen Whenusingthemonitor pixilatedspots red green blue white orblack mayappearonthescreen This isnormalforanLCDscreen Itisnotanerror norisitrelatedtothemonitor sperformance Some features are disabled AresomefunctionsnotavailablewhenyoupresstheMenubutton TheOSDis...

Страница 29: ...S 110CL 19 3190110G Manufacturer ShenzhenHonorElectronicCo Ltd Output 19V 5 79A Environmental Conditions OperatingConditions Temperature 0 Cto40 C Humidity Lessthan80 StoringConditions Temperature 20 Cto60 C Humidity Lessthan85 Dimensions without packaging MonitorSize WidthxHeightxDepth 24CN65 WithStand 553 4x512 7x240 mm WithoutStand 553 4x332 7x59 4 mm 27CN65 WithStand 622 3x531 7x239 6 mm Witho...

Страница 30: Outgoingcondition SleepMode 1 3W OffMode 1 2W 27CN65 PowerRating 19V 4 0A PowerConsumption OnMode 29W Typical Outgoingcondition SleepMode 1 3W OffMode 1 2W 34CN65 PowerRating 19V 5 0A PowerConsumption OnMode 39W Typical Outgoingcondition SleepMode 1 3W OffMode 1 2W TheOnModeofPowerConsumptionismeasuredwithLGEteststandard FullWhitepattern Maximum resolution ThePowerConsumptionlevelcanbedifferen...

Страница 31: ...350MHz 5470to5725MHz 5725to5850MHz 20 0dBm 22dBm 22dBm 13dBm Bluetooth FrequencyRange OutputPower Max 2400to2483 5MHz 14dBm Asbandchannelscanvarypercountry theusercannotchangeoradjusttheoperatingfrequency This productisconfiguredfortheregionalfrequencytable Forconsiderationoftheuser thisdeviceshouldbeinstalledandoperatedwithaminimumdistanceof 20cmbetweenthedeviceandthebody ...

Страница 32: ...5 75 720X400 31 468 70 08 720x480 31 47 59 94 800x600 37 879 60 317 800x600 46 875 75 0 1024x768 48 363 60 0 1024x768 60 023 75 029 1152x864 67 500 75 000 1280x720 45 60 1280x800 49 702 60 1280x1024 63 981 60 023 1280x1024 79 976 75 035 1400x1050 65 317 59 978 1440x900 55 935 59 887 1600x900 60 000 60 000 1680x1050 65 290 59 954 1920x1080 67 50 60 1920x1080 83 89 74 97 ...

Страница 33: ...x600 37 879 60 317 800x600 46 875 75 0 832x624 49 727 74 553 1024x768 48 363 60 0 1024x768 60 123 75 029 1152x864 53 697 60 1152x870 68 68 75 06 1280x720 45 60 1280x800 49 702 60 1280x1024 63 981 60 02 1280x1024 79 976 75 025 1600x900 60 00 60 00 1680x1050 65 29 59 954 1920x1080 67 50 60 1920x1080 84 643 74 906 2560x1080 66 636 59 98 2560x1080 83 915 74 99 ...

Страница 34: ...34 ENGLISH HDMITiming Video Resolution Horizontal Frequency kHz Vertical Frequency Hz Remarks 480p 31 5 60 576p 31 25 50 720p 37 5 50 720p 45 60 1080p 56 25 50 1080p 67 50 60 Recommend ...

Страница 35: ...thebackandononesideoftheproduct Recordthembelowincaseyoueverneedservice Model SerialNo 27CN650W 27CN651W 34CN650W 34CN651W 24CN650W WARNING ThisequipmentiscompliantwithClassAofCISPR32 Inaresidentialenvironmentthisequipmentmay causeradiointerference ...
