371 Randy Rd., Carol Stream, IL 60188
PH: (630) 665-2075
Web: www.lewelectric.com
Read all instructions before installing the OB-2-CT-SP box
Contact a local electrical inspector to make sure that this product meets or exceeds all local
electrical codes (electric codes may vary by location).
Disconnect and turn off all power sources.
For outdoor or indoor use.
If installing outdoors, this product is intended to be installed in countertops that are under covered
areas ONLY.
Only licensed, insured, and bonded electrical contractors should install the OB-2-CT-SP.
When not in use, the cover should be fully closed in the “closed” position.
When in use, the cover should be closed in the “SAFETY” position.
Failure to comply with each of the above conditions may cause injury or death.
Lew Electric accepts no responsibility if the above conditions are not followed.
1. Before installation, a licensed, insured and bonded electrical contractor must install a 20 AMP
receptacle in the cabinet space below the countertop where the OB-2-CT-SP will be installed.
2. Have a professional countertop installation company cut a hole in the countertop that
measures 5 3/8 inches by 4 3/4 inches.
3. Place the OB-2-CT-SP, cord first, inside the hole so that the bottom of the cover is resting on
the top of the countertop.
4. From underneath the countertop, place the square metal ring (with the lip side facing up)
through the cord and up into the bottom of the OB-2-CT-SP box. The lip should fit inside the
hole. Align the screw holes in the box with the screw holes on the ring.
5. Put the four stainless screws through the counter sunk holes in the top of the OB-2-CT-SP
cover and start the screws into each of the four threaded holes in the ring. DO NOT tighten
more then a quarter of the length of each screw. This step is easiest to accomplish with the help
of another person. One person should hold the metal ring tight to the underside of the
countertop with holes aligned while the other person begins screwing each screw a few turns.