WAB–2000 Wireless Access Point
Chapter 3: Access Point Configuration
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Chapter 3: Access Point Configuration
The WAB–2000 comes with the capability to be configured as an ac-
cess point. As it incorporates two separate 802.11 wireless cards, one for
configuring a local WLAN and one for use in bridging, it can also be con-
figured for bridging, with the access point configuration on the WLAN
side. Configuration for bridging is discussed in Chapter 4.
Preliminary Configuration Steps
For preliminary installation the WAB–2000 network administrator
may need the following information:
• PC/laptop with one of the following operating systems installed:
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
• A web browser program, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
or later, or Netscape 6.2 or later, installed on the PC/laptop used
for configuring the access point
• IP address – a list of IP addresses available on the organization's
LAN that are available to be used for assignment to the AP(s)
• Subnet Mask for the LAN
• Default IP address of the WAB–2000
• DNS IP address
• SSID – an ID number/letter string that you want to use in the con-
figuration process to identify all members of the wireless LAN.
• The MAC addresses of all the wireless cards that will be used to
access the WAB–2000 network of access points (if MAC address
filtering is to be enabled)
• The appropriate encryption key for Static AES if state-of-the art
key management will be used. Alternately, the appropriate WEP