Commissioning and configuration
RFM - HF RFID Series
Leuze electronic
Device control tab
Grouped together on this tab are the options for controlling the device.
Figure 7.4:
RF-Config – Device control tab
The configuration options range from activation or type of activation to the function of the
switching output to the setting of the code filter.
Some parameters and functions are dependent on others, others are mutually exclusive.
Listed below are some of the most important configuration constellations for which such
dependencies exist:
• If the
function = "Active" (address 01, bit 6),
must also = "Active"
(address 01, bit 4).
• If
Permanent reading
is set as read type/read mode (address 01, bit 5),
must =
"Not active" (address 01, bit 4) and
must = "Not active" (address 01, bit 6).
If these dependencies are not observed either in whole or in part, the "
" error message
is returned by the device without any changes having been made to the device configuration.
During the propagation time of the output signal (if activated), no transponders can be read.