Problems and solutions
Leuze electronic
MSI 100/200
12 Problems and solutions
This chapter contains a list of possible problems that may occur when working with the config-
uration software and the safety modules (MSI 100 and MSI 200) as well as with the safe exten-
sion modules (MSI-EM200-8I4IO and MSI-EM200-4RO). The following descriptions are
divided into categories corresponding to the different sections of the configuration software.
Table 12-1
Solutions for general problems
The user program cannot be downloaded from the configura-
tion software to the control / the control hangs, whereby a sys-
tem utilization < 100% is simultaneously displayed in the sta-
tus bar in the lower right.
Please contact Leuze electronic technical support. We can
support you with the optimization of memory usage. See also
"Downloading configuration from the MSIsafesoft configura-
tion software" on page 80.
When the MSIsafesoft safe configuration software was
launched, the installation check identified a faulty system file.
A corresponding message window is displayed.
Uninstall the safe configuration software, then reinstall it by
running the setup program from the installation CD.
The test routine for the operating system has determined that
you are trying to launch the MSIsafesoft configuration soft-
ware on an operating system that is not supported.
Install an operating system supported by the MSIsafesoft
configuration software (see "System requirements for the
MSIsafesoft configuration software" on page 117) or consult
with technical support to determine whether a newer version
of MSIsafesoft is available that supports your current operat-
ing system.
An error has occurred (accompanied by a corresponding
message), which cannot be removed using any of the mea-
sures described here.
Please contact Leuze electronic technical support.
The safe MSIsafesoft configuration software or one of its
functions is not behaving as described in the user documen-
tation or the help system.
Please contact Leuze electronic technical support.