For your safety
Leuze electronic
MSI 100/200
Latest documentation
Always use the latest documentation. You can find changes or additions on the Internet.
You must observe all information from the following sources:
Technical description of the safety modules
Technical description of the safe extension modules
User documentation for peripheral devices (e.g., sensors/actuators) that are connected to
the MSI 100/200 modules and are connected to safe function blocks in the safety logic
(MSIsafesoft configuration software)
Documentation for the supplementary standard technology
Help system for the MSIsafesoft safe configuration software and for each of the safe func-
tion blocks (see "Opening the software help system" on page 76)
Safety hotline
If you have technical questions, please use our 24-hour hotline.
Additional information and detailed step-by-step instructions for the MSIsafesoft configura-
tion software can be found in the help system of the software.
+49 7021 573-123