Lephone Technology Pvt. Ltd.
All rights are reserve d. No
part of this do cumen t can be rep rodu ced without permissi on. All
tradema rks an d bran d names men tioned in this pu blication a re property
of their respective owne rs. While all the efforts have been made to
ensure the accu racy of conten ts in this manual, we p resume n o
responsi bility fo r errors o r omis sions o r s tatemen ts o f any kind, w hethe r
such e rro rs are o missions or sta tements resul ting from negligence,
accidents, or any other cause.
We operate a policy of con tinuou s develo pment an d reserve the righ t to
make changes, modifi cations an d imp ro vements to the device, devi ce
features/spe cification s or any o f its pa rts witho ut p rio r no tice. You r
device may ha ve p re-installed boo kmarks and lin ks fo r third party
internet sites and may allow you to access thi rd pa rty sites. These are n o
affiliated with Leph one, and Lephone does not endo rse o r assu me
liability for them. If you acces s such si tes, take p recautio ns fo r secu rity o r
The limited wa rran ty does not co ver user manuals o r an y third party
softwa re, settings, conten t, data or links, whethe r in cluded/d ownloade d
in the p ro duct, whethe r in cluded durin g ins tallment, assembl y, shippin g
or an y o ther ti me in the delivery chain o r o therwise and in any wa y
acquired by you.
To the e xtent pe rmitted by ap plicable law(s), Lepho ne does no t wa rran t
that any Lepho ne softwa re will meet your requi remen ts, will work in
combina tion with any ha rdware o r software applicati ons provide d by a
third party, that the o peration s o f the s oftware will be u ninte rru pted o r
erro r free o r that any de fects in the so ftware are correctable or will be
User’s Manua l is provided just to guide the user about the
function ality of the device. This do es not seem to be any certificat e of
technology. Some functio ns may vary due to modification s and
up-gradations of software or due to printing mistake.
Please read the following safety guidelines before using the device.
Do not use the phone while you are driving.
Do not place magnetic s to rage media near your p hone.
Radiation fro m the phone may e rase the in fo rmation
stored on them.
Keep your phone and its accessories away from children.
Mobile phones can inte rfere wi th the fu ncti oning of
medical devi ces su ch as hearing aids o r pacemake rs.
People having active medical implants sho uld keep their
cell phone at least 15 cm away from the implant.