Lenze · E94AYCER communication module (PROFINET®) · Communication Manual · DMS 11.0 EN · 04/2016 · TD17
Interruption of PROFINET communication
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Interruption of PROFINET communication
An interruption of PROFINET communication in the "Data_Exchange" state, e.g. by cable break or
failure of the I/O controller is recognised by the I/O device.
The response to the interruption of communication is controlled via the following settings:
1. During the initialisation of PROFINET communication, the watchdog monitoring time
specified in the IO controller (
) is transferred to the IO device.
If the IO device does not receive any valid process data in the "Data_Exchange" state, the
process data are treated according to the setting in
. (Like this the data
that were sent last by the IO controller can be used or set to zero.)
After the watchdog monitoring time has elapsed, the IO device changes to the
"No_Data_Exchange" state (
) and the red LED
is activated (
There is no response in the I/O device.
2. To trigger a response in the IO device, the »Engineer« has to provide an additional
of the Servo Drive 9400
) under the
In order to delay this response, you can set a
monitoring time
• In the Lenze setting "0 ms", this monitoring is activated.
• With the setting "65535 ms", this monitoring is deactivated.
• A change of monitoring will be effective immediately.
• The monitoring time elapses when the "Data_Exchange" status is exited.
After the response delay has elapsed, the response set is executed with the error message
PROFINET: "Data_Exchange" status quit [0x00c88131]