H/D or ACC terminals are configured correctly for
dehumidify control.
Cooling demand only
: Y1 and Y2 come on
initiating the conventional cooling only demand.
Dehumidification demand only
: D is de-energized
(G should also be energized) but with out Y1 or
Y2. D remains off until the demand is satisfied or
if a true cooling demand comes on (unit must be in
cooling mode).
Both cooling and dehumidification demands
Y1 and Y2 are ON (G must be ON and D is also
0 volts) When cooling is satisfied , D is still 0 volts
and G must stay ON until dehumidification demand
is satisfied.
Table 11.
Auxiliary Dehumidifier Option
• Activate: If RH measured is >= (RH set point +
Activate: IF RH measured is >= (RH set point +
2%), and AND unit is in Cool mode (O = ON),,
THEN D is inactive (open circuit), AND G is
• Deactivate: IF RH measured is <= (RH set point
- 2%), or unit isn’t in Cool mode(B = ON), THEN
D is active. G returns to the state determined
by the thermostat control, either ON, Auto, or
Humidification Control
This option is available if the humidifier accessory
is present and enabled in the
Advanced Settings
System Setup
Advanced Settings
Terminal Settings
verify that the H/D or ACC terminals are configured
correctly for humidify control.
Humidification is provided only when both a
humidification accessory is installed and the
thermostat is in heat mode.
• Setpoint Range: 15 – 45% RH
• Relative Humidity Controlled to 2% of Setpoint
(1% resolution)
“H/D” Terminal to Humidifier (deactivated during
• This behavior changes based on H/D terminal or
ACC terminal
Normal and Max
The following table describes the function of normal
and max humidification settings.