Humidity Range
Display on thermostat: 20% to 90% RH
Operating range: 5% - 95% RH (non-condensing)
Sensitivity of +- 5%
The Lennox Smart Room Sensor is not a zoning
product and will not solve problems related to poor
duct work and incorrect equipment sizing.
Lennox Wireless Extender
Extends the effective smart devices network range.
• Powered by 120VAC outlet.
• Dimension: 4" x 5.5" x 2.5" (102 x 140 x 64 mm)
• Weight: 4.24 ounces (120 grams)
Installation Considerations
Smart Room Sensor
If at all possible it is recommended that all Smart
Room Sensors are installed on a wall. This insures
the device will not be lost or accidentally damaged.
Consider placement when addressing the occupancy
If used with the provided stand, it is recommend that
the Smart Room Sensors is placed on a bookshelf or
desk out of reach of children or pets.
Do not install the Smart Room Sensors where it can
be affected by:
• Drafts or dead spots behind doors and in corners
• Exterior entrances or interior doors
• Heat generating equipment such as kitchen
• Hot or cold air from ducts
• Radiant heat from sun or appliances
• Direct sunlight
• Concealed pipes and chimneys
• Non-conditioned areas such as an outside wall
behind the sensor
Another consideration is smart device signal strength
interference by physical objects and materials. The
type and thickness of the material can affect how
much interference is induced. One or more of the fol-
lowing can interfere with the smart device signal:
Large metal objects and appliances like filing
cabinets, metal doors, and refrigerators.
• Floor and ceiling plenum spaces featuring joists,
plumbing, duct work, and other materials.