Congratulations on purchasing the MLC-200. You now own a high quality, professional mini
DTV headend. To get the most out of your purchase, please take the time to carefully read
through this quick start guide.
2.1 - Description
The MLC-200 is a very powerful, all-in-one mini headend device, able to receive up to 2 in-
dependent satellite (DVB-S/S2), terrestrial (DVB-T/T2) or cable (DVB-C) signals with 2x CI in-
terfaces and convert them in IPTV streaming using UDP/RTP protocols multicast/unicast.
The embedded web server of the MLC-200 provides a very friendly user interface as well as
the ability of remote or local control of the device via LAN.
Its small size and its powerful features render the MLC-200 the ideal solution in case we want
to distribute FTA (Free-To-Air) or scrambled TV programs coming from satellite (DVB-S/S2),
terrestrial (DVB-T/T2) or cable (DVB-C) sources to a CATV installation using IPTV technology.
Quick start Guide