If you uncheck
Show isolated points
Maximum scanline distance
is too small, it may
happen that no data is displayed even though there is data. Therefore, you should preferably
always have this option checked.
Aspect ratio
Extremely acute-angled triangles are not displayed. Such triangles will be created, for example,
if measurement data is acquired with the scanner across an object edge, because neighboring
pixels will then lie on different planes.
A deformed triangle is defined by the aspect ratio (base to height).
Reasonable values are between 3 and 20.
Show triangle mesh boundaries
If this checkbox is selected, the boundaries of triangle meshes are displayed in the specified
This setting only applies to 2D arrays (this data structure cannot be created but only imported).
17.3.4 Other Settings
Subsampling for other objects
This parameter influences the reduction of the point clouds for visualization. A subsampling
value of 4 means that only every 4
point in the row and column directions of the objects is
displayed and, thus, detail resolution is reduced by the factor 16 in the visualization.
Background color
Sets the color for the background of the different viewers in a color selection dialog.
Selection color
Sets the color for selected objects in a color selection dialog.