17.3 3D Viewer
T-Scan Collect provides two different display modes. The static display mode describes the
display of the still object. If the object is moved, e.g. by rotation or zooming, it is displayed in
the dynamic display mode.
You can set the visualization parameters separately for the two modes. Typically, a higher
subsampling value is used in the dynamic mode to allow smooth rotation and zooming even
for large objects.
To adjust these settings, choose
3D Viewer…
The fields have the following meanings:
17.3.1 General Settings
Point size
This value defines the size in which a 3D point of the point cloud is displayed on the monitor
(in monitor pixels).
Line width
This value defines the width in which a line is displayed on the monitor (in monitor pixels).
17.3.2 Lines
Display mode
Select whether lines should be displayed as lines, as lines with points, or as points.