6 0 3 9 8 1 2 1 0
S c h e d u l e s
H o l i d a y s
P a n e l P r o g r a m m i n g
On this screen, you determine which days are designated as
holidays. There are 99 locations in memory to store individual
holiday parameters
H o l i d a y :
< 1 >
Ye a r :
< 2 0 1 4 >
M o n t h :
< J u l >
D a t e :
< 4 >
D u r a t i o n :
< 1 d a y >
H o l i d a y S e t u p
For the
parameter, select the memory location to store the
information. Then select the date for the holiday and
. Point the LMCT-100-2 at the infrared sensor on
the LMRD board and press Select. You return to the
screen, where you can program the next event
When finished, Select
to return to the
Panel Status
1 5 : 1 9 S T D N o n - H o l i d a y
S u n r i s e :
0 6 : 1 4
S u n s e t :
1 6 : 4 7
C o n L E D s :
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D i p S w i t c h :
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P a n e l S t a t u s
N o v 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 M o n
L o c a t i o n S e t t i n g s
D a t e a n d T i m e
P a n e l P r o g r a m m i n g
P a n e l S t a t u s
P a n e l S e t u p
Most fields on this screen are self explanatory. A value of “STD”
indicates standard time and a value of “DST” indicates daylight
savings time
For the Dip Switch field, a value of 1 indicates that particular dip
switch is set to ON. For details on what each dip switch controls,
see the LMCP User Guide..
The Con LEDs field indicates errors, and will show “1” in
individual digits when the Config LED is lit solid and not blinking.
From left to right, the error categories are as follows:
• 1st and 2nd digits – not used
• 3rd digit – RTCLOCK
• 4th digit – SEEPROM
• 5th digit – Bootload
• 6th digit – Power
• 7th digit – DLM Local Network
• 8th digit – Relay
Press Select to return to the
The options on this screen are used to define groups by
assigning loads to them, and then define occupancy sensor
behavior and assign dark/light events for those groups.
A d j u s t L i g h t L e v e l
G l o b a l N e t w o r k
U t i l i t i e s
P a n e l S e t u p
G r o u p S e t u p
M o r e
W A R N I N G :
L M B C o r P a n e l m u s t
b e c o n n e c t e d
To a c c e s s
G r o u p S e t u p
P r e s s ‘ S e l e c t ’
t o p r o c e e d
After selecting
Group Setup
, a warning appears, explaining that
a bridge or panel is needed for this functionality. Press Select,
then point the LMCT-100-2 at any IR enabled device and press
Select again.
Group Loads
G r o u p L o a d s
G r o u p O c c S e n s o r s
G r o u p D a r k / L i g h t
G r o u p S e t u p – L M B C
On this set of screens, you assign loads to groups and
customize the behavior of those groups.
G r o u p :
< 1 >
Ty p e :
< S e n s A u t o m a t i c >
G r o u p S e t u p
Select the group number. Each panel has 99 memory locations
for storing group parameters and each bridge has 16 locations.
Select one of the predefined macros (see below) or select
“Custom” to define the group behavior parameters.
Next, Select
. Point the LMCT-100-2 at the infrared
sensor on the LMRD board and press Select to open the
Group x Loads
Predefined Macros:
– This macro should be used when there are
no occupancy sensors or switches associated with the
Group and only on/off actions from schedules or dark/light
are intended. Since On/Off changes are based only on
schedules and dark/light sensors, the only parameter in
the macro that has any effect is Blink, which will provide a
warning to occupants by momentarily shutting the load off
and then back on.
Override Time AH
– This macro is designed for situations
where only switches are used (no occupancy sensors).
An override time delay is set so that if a switch is used
to keep the light on during after hours, the load turns off
after two hours. The load is set to turn ON when entering
Normal Hours. If you instead want to require that the load
be manually turned on, start with this macro when creating
the group, select CUSTOM, and modify the
Transition AH
> NH
action to a value of “Do Nothing.” Additionally, adjust
Time Delay AH
if you want a different amount of time
before the load turns off.
The settings in this macro are used for Groups
1–8, when you use Smartwire to assign relays to
a group.
Sensor Day Disable
– For use with occupancy sensors,
this macro turns all loads ON during Normal Hours; they
can be turned off or back on manually, with no override time
delay. When After Hours begins, loads are turned OFF and
sensor functionality is set to Auto On/Off. A two hour time
delay is set for cases in which some loads in the group are
not bound to sensors, but only to switches.
Sensor Man-On NH
– In this macro, relays are left OFF
when Normal Hours begins. Occupancy sensors trigger
loads on occupant arrival, but do not time out until after
hours. When After Hours begins, loads turn OFF and
sensors switch to Auto On/Off. As with the Sensor Day
Disable macro, a two hour time delay is set for cases in
which some loads in the group are not bound to sensors,
but only to switches.
Sensor Auto
– This macro sets sensors to Auto On/Off
for both Normal Hours and After Hours operation, so loads
turn ON only based on sensor or switch input. A 120 minute