Range: 1% per second to 100% per second.
Ramp Down
Determines the speed (or rate) at which the light level of bound
loads decreases. The default is 2% per second because a slow
ramp down will help the eye adapt to the new light level.
Range: 1% per second to 100% per second.
Cut Off Delay
The time that the controlled lighting will remain at a minimum
dimmed level, even with high daylight contribution, before the
lights will be switched OFF.
Range: Never to 30 min.
To send the changed settings to the LMLS-400, select
point the LMCT-100-2 at an IR enabled device, and press
Zone Settings (LMLS-500 Only)
Zone Settings allows you to modify the photosensor Daylighting
Setpoints, Time Delays and Ramp Rates.
L M L S - 5 0 0 0 2 9 3 7 2 4 9 0 9
Z o n e S e t u p
C a l i b r a t i o n
Z o n e S e t t i n g s
A d v a n c e d S e t t i n g s
Te s t M o d e
When Zone Settings is selected, one of two screens is displayed
depending on the Operation Mode of the Zone (Switched) or
(Dimming, Bi-Level or Tri-Level):
Switched, Bi-Level, or Tri-Level
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 6 0 0
O N S e t p t :
O F F S e t p t :
O N T i m e D e l a y :
O F F T i m e D e l a y :
< 0 . 3 0 0 f c >
< 0 . 4 5 0 f c >
< 2 0 s e c >
< 1 0 m i n >
B i - L e v e l
ON Setpoint
The target illuminance level below which the LMLS-500 turns the
lights ON.
Range: 5 to 150 fc.
OFF Setpoint
The target illuminance level above which the LMLS-500 turns
the lights OFF.
The OFF Setpoint corresponds to the ON Setpoint multiplied by
1.25, 1.50, 1.75 or 2.0. This ensures that the OFF Setpoint is
always higher than the ON Setpoint.
ON Time Delay
The time interval that must elapse, with the measured level
below the ON Setpoint, before the controlled lights turn ON.
Range: 1 sec to 60 sec.
OFF Time Delay
The time interval that must elapse, with the measured level
above the OFF Setpoint, before the controlled lights turn OFF.
Range: 3 min to 30 min.
To send the changed settings to the LMLS-500, select
point the LMCT-100-2 at an IR enabled device, and press
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 5 0 0
S e t p o i n t :
R a m p U p :
R a m p D o w n :
C u t O f f D e l a y :
< 5 0 f c >
< 2 0 % s e c >
< 2 % s e c >
< 1 0 m i n >
Z o n e 1
D i m m e d
The desired light level at the task per zone. To determine
the correct dimming level for any given photocell reading, it
calculates the level based on the slope between the daylight
contribution at the sensor and the setpoint.
Range: 5 to 200 fc.
Ramp Up
Determines the speed (or rate) at which the light level of bound
loads increases. The default is 20% per second because the
end user needs light quickly.
Range: 1% per second to 100% per second.
Ramp Down
Determines the speed (or rate) at which the light level of bound
loads decreases. The default is 2% per second because a slow
ramp down will help the eye adapt to the new light level.
Range: 1% per second to 100% per second.
Cut Off Delay
The time that the controlled lighting will remain at a minimum
dimmed level, even with high daylight contribution, before the
lights will be switched OFF.
Range: Never to 30 min.
To send the changed settings to the LMLS-500, select
point the LMCT-100-2 at an IR enabled device, and press
Zone Settings (LMLS-600 Only)
Zone Settings allows you to modify the photosensor Daylighting
Setpoints, Time Delays and Ramp Rates.
L M L S - 6 0 0 0 2 9 3 7 2 4 9 0 9
Z o n e S e t u p
C a l i b r a t i o n
Z o n e S e t t i n g s
A d v a n c e d S e t t i n g s
Te s t M o d e
When Zone Settings is selected, one of two screens is displayed
depending on the Operation Mode of the Zone (Switched) or
(Dimming, Bi-Level or Tri-Level):
Switched, Bi-Level, or Tri-Level
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 6 0 0
O N S e t p t :
O F F S e t p t :
O N T i m e D e l a y :
O F F T i m e D e l a y :
< 0 . 3 0 0 f c >
< 0 . 4 5 0 f c >
< 2 0 s e c >
< 1 0 m i n >
B i - L e v e l
ON Setpoint
The target illuminance level below which the LMLS-600 turns the
lights ON.
Range: minimum of 1 fc; maximum of 32 fc (for Switched) or 48
fc (for Bi-Level or Tri-Level).