The Calibration process consists of:
• Pausing for 15 seconds to allow the user to vacate the area
under the sensor.
• Turning off all configured loads, for about 10 seconds, to
compute an initial daylight ratio.
• Warming up the controlled loads, at maximum level,
until they reach full output (typically, this requires several
• Switching or Fading the level of the controlled loads from
maximum to minimum level very slowly (over approximately
two minutes) while observing both sensors, to determine the
ballast curve.
• Turning the controlled loads off completely, and observing
both sensors for several seconds, to calculate daylight
• Validating the data collected, and marking the sensor
as calibrated (and active) if a good calibration has been
established. If the calibration should fail, the LEDs will revert
to showing an “Awaiting Calibration” state and the process
must be repeated.
Manual Calibration
Manual Calibration allows you to refine the setpoint for the
controlled zone.
L M L S - 6 0 0 0 2 9 3 6 1 1 9 3 5
Z o n e S e t u p
C a l i b r a t i o n
Z o n e S e t t i n g s
A d v a n c e d S e t t i n g s
C o n t r o l M o d e
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 6 0 0
A u t o m a t i c C a l i b r a t i o n
M a n u a l C a l i b r a t i o n
Even if you wish to refine the setpoints using the
Manual Calibration feature, you MUST first complete
an Automatic Calibration to establish the other critical
installation parameters.
Choose a reference location within the daylighting zone that
is most likely to have the lowest light level when day lit and is
located farthest from the window.
P o i n t t o a n y I R
e n a b l e d d e v i c e o n
t h e n e t w o r k
P r e s s S e l e c t
C a l i b r a t i n g L M L S - 6 0 0
D e s i re d L i g h t L e v e l
a t t h e w o r k p l a n e : < 5 0 f c >
A c t u a l L i g h t L e v e l a t
a t t h e w o r k p l a n e : < 3 5 f c >
To set the Dimming and On and Off Setpoints automatically to
best match a designed light level for the workplane, enter the
desired level, along with the present measured level (from a light
meter), and then press SEND.
Zone Settings (LMLS-400 Only)
Zone Settings allows you to modify the photosensor Daylighting
Setpoints, Time Delays and Ramp Rates.
L M L S - 4 0 0 0 2 9 3 6 1 1 9 3 5
Z o n e S e t u p
C a l i b r a t i o n
Z o n e S e t t i n g s
A d v a n c e d S e t t i n g s
C o n t r o l M o d e
Z o n e S e t t i n g s
When Zone Settings is selected, one of two screens is displayed
depending on the Operation Mode of the device (Switched,
Bi-Level, or Tri-Level) or (Dimmed).
Switched, Bi-Level, or Tri-Level
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 4 0 0
B i - L e v e l
O N S e t p o i n t :
O F F S e t p o i n t :
O N T i m e D e l a y :
O F F T i m e D e l a y :
< 7 . 5 f c >
< 1 1 f c >
< 2 0 s e c >
< 1 0 m i n >
This heading differs depending
on Operation Mode
ON Setpoint
The target illuminance level at the sensor, below which the
photosensor turns the lights ON.
The ON Setpoint values available for manual adjustment are:
1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 11, 13, 16,
20, 25, 30, 35, 45, 60, 90, 125, 180, 250, 325, 400, 475, 550,
625, 700, 775 and 850 footcandles; note that calibration can
automatically select a value not in this list.
OFF Setpoint
The target illuminance level at the sensor, above which the
photosensor turns the lights OFF.
The OFF Setpoint corresponds to the ON Setpoint multiplied by
1.25, 1.50, 1.75 or 2.0. This ensures that the OFF Setpoint is
always higher than the On Setpoint.
ON Time Delay
The time interval that must elapse, with the measured level
below the ON Setpoint, before the controlled lights turn on.
Range: 1 sec to 60 sec.
OFF Time Delay
The time interval that must elapse, with the measured level
above the OFF Setpoint, before the controlled lights turn OFF.
Range: 3 min to 30 min.
To send the changed settings to the LMLS-400, select
, point
the LMCT-100-2 at an IR enabled device, and press Select.
D a y l i g h t i n g L M L S - 4 0 0
D i m m e d
D a y S e t p o i n t :
N i g h t S e t p o i n t :
R a m p U p :
R a m p D o w n :
C u t O f f D e l a y
< 5 0 f c >
< 1 0 f c >
< 2 0 % / s e c >
< 2 % / s e c >
< 1 0 m i n >
Day Setpoint
The desired light level at the sensor during daytime. To
determine the correct dimming level for any given photocell
reading, it calculates the level based on the slope between the
day and the night setpoint.
Range: 1 fc to 255 fc.
Night Setpoint
The desired light level at the sensor during nighttime. To
determine the correct dimming level for any given photocell
reading, it calculates the level based on the slope between the
day and the night setpoint.
Range: 1 fc to 255 fc.
The Day Setpoint must always be greater than the Night
Ramp Up
Determines the speed (or rate) at which the light level of bound
loads increases. The default is 20% per second because the
end user needs light quickly.