Legrand PDU User Guide 475
States of "above upper critical" and "below lower critical" are critical states that require you to immediately
Range of each available sensor state:
The value of each enabled threshold determines the reading range of each available sensor state. For
details, see
Yellow- or Red-Highlighted Sensors
(on page 120).
"To Assert" and Assertion Timeout
If multiple sensor states are available for a specific sensor, the Legrand PDU asserts a state for it whenever
a bad state change occurs.
To assert a state:
To assert a state is to announce a new, "worse" state.
Below are bad state changes that cause the Legrand PDU to assert.
1. above upper warning --> above upper critical
2. normal --> above upper warning
3. normal --> below lower warning
4. below lower warning --> below lower critical
Assertion Timeout: