Technical data sheet: S000114123EN-1
Created: 18/01/2021
Cat. No(s): 0 026 72/73/74/76/78/79
KNX controller multi-application DIN
7 .9 "Valve Control" parameter
7 .9 .1 "A/B – Control Input" parameter
HVAC system
*one control four pipe with switch
two control two pipe
two control two pipe with switch
two control four pipe
This parameter is used to select the fan coil pipe system for valve
• Set the parameter to “
one control four pipe with switch
In this system contains HEATING and COOLING exchangers. 2 pipes
for warm water and other 2 pipes for cold water. One communication
object is used to HEATING or COOLING. It can be set via “
” communication object.
• Set the parameter to “
two control two pipe
In this system contains only HEATING exchangers. 2 pipes is used for
HEATING or COOLING. Both objects are used to for HEATING valve.
The last value is considered valid if it comes from which object.
• Set the parameter to “
two control two with switch
In this system contains only HEATING exchangers. 2 pipes is used for
HEATING or COOLING. Both objects are used to for HEATING valve.
Active communication object can be select via “Toggle HEATING/
COOLING” communication object.
• Set the parameter to “
two control four pipe
In this system contains HEATING and COOLING exchangers. 2
pipes for warm water and other 2 pipes for cold water. Each
communication objects are managed the related valve. The same
time only one valve can be opened. The other one is set to %0
Operation HEATING/COOLING after
bus voltage recovery
*unchanged bus return
This parameter is used to select reaction after bus voltage recovery.
Object value for HEATING the object
This parameter is used to which communication object value used for
• Set the parameter to “
When the telegram is received “
”, HEATING operation is activated.
(COOLING is deactivated)
• Set the parameter to “
When the telegram is received “
”, HEATING operation is activated.
(COOLING is deactivated)
Monitoring control valves
This parameter activate the thermostat monitoring. If the parameter
selected enable, Monitoring period time in s [30…65535] parameter
is visible.
7 .9 "Valve Control" parameter (continued)
7 .9 .1 "A/B – Control Input" parameter (continued)
Monitoring period time in s[30…65535]
The telegram of the active thermostat can be monitored cyclically. The
device then expect a telegram from the thermostat within the cycle
Send object value (“Control value fault”
1 bit)
*after change
after request
after change or request
If the telegram is not received within the monitoring period time, it
can be assumes that the sensor is break or bus line interrupted. This
object is sent the KNX bus.
The “Control value fault” can be used as an active or passive
communication object. Active message object, the switch status
telegram is transmitted to the bus automatically when a state
changes. Passive status object, there is no telegram transmission
after state changes. If you want to learn switch status, you must read
communication object. Communication object flags are automatically
set by ETS.
Enable control value after fault
This parameter activate the fault condition after fault operation. If
the parameter selected yes, Control value after fault in % [0…100]
parameter is visible.
Control value after fault in %[0…100]
After the fault operation occurred in emergency state, the valve can
be set the valve fault percentage.
7 .9 .2 "A – Valve General" parameter
Valve control
*two point on/off
three point open/close
This parameter can be used to select the properties of valve type.
Valve contact type
*normally open
normally closed
This parameter is used to select reaction after bus voltage recovery.
Observe reversing time
100 ms
*300 ms
500 ms
700 ms
1000 ms
This parameter defines the reversing delay time of the valve drive. If
the valve control parameter is selected three point open/close, this
parameter is visible.