Technical data sheet: S000114123EN-1
Created: 18/01/2021
Cat. No(s): 0 026 72/73/74/76/78/79
KNX controller multi-application DIN
7 .8 "Blind" parameter (continued)
7 .8 .3 "A/B – Weather alarm" parameter (continued)
Move to position
indirectly via upper end position
indirectly via lower end position
indirectly via shortest way
This parameter is set to the blind how to go to the target position.
• Set the parameter to “
The blind moves to target position directly.
• Set the parameter to “
indirectly via upper/lower end position
After the blind moves the upper/lower end position, the blind moves
to target position.
• Set the parameter to “
indirectly via shortest way
Firstly, the blind moves the shortest end position and then the blind
moves to target position directly.
7 .8 .4 .2 "A/B – Position/Presets" parameter
The weather functions must first be globally enabled before they can be
parameterized and used. After general weather function is enabled, the
weather alarm can be enabled or disabled independently of one other.
The reaction at beginning of an alarm telegram is received “
”. Alarm
function is terminated as soon as a new alarm telegram is received “
Assignment to wind alarms
Assignment to rain alarms
Assignment to frost alarms
There are three different wind alarms available. These alarms can be
used for instance, to protect Venetian blind or awning. The blind is
also assigned to multiple wind alarm. The three wind alarms have the
same priority. These are respect to one other with logic OR.
7 .8 "Blind" parameter (continued)
7 .8 .3 "A/B – Weather alarm" parameter (continued)
7 .8 .4 .2 "A/B – Position/Presets" parameter (continued)
Behavior in case of wind alarm
Behavior in case of rain alarm
Behavior in case of frost alarm
*no reaction
position 1
position 2
position 3
position 4
individual position
When the alarm is activated, the blind moves this position.
• Set the parameter to “
no reaction
At the beginning of the wind alarm, the relay of blind shows
no reaction. Any movements in progress at instant will still be
completely finished.
• Set the parameter to “
The devices raises the blind at the beginning of the wind alarm or
wind alarms then the outputs are locked.
• Set the parameter to “
The devices lowers the blind at the beginning of the wind alarm or
wind alarms then the outputs are locked.
• Set the parameter to “
At the beginning of the alarm the device switches the relay of output
to stop then the outputs are locked.
• Set the parameter to “
position 1, 2, 3, 4
The blind move to the preset position when the alarm is activated.
The position parameters set in the “
A – Position/Preset
” tag.
• Set the parameter to “individual position”:
The blind moves to individual position. Individual position can be set
this parameters.
Position height in [0…100]
(0% = top; 100% = button)
Position slat in [0…100]
(0% = top; 100% = button) .
This parameters are configured the blind height and slat position. If
the “
Mode of operation
” is selected “
venetian blind
”, “
Position slat
in [0…100]
” parameters are visible.
Order of priority for safe
*1 .Weather alarm – 2 .Block – 3 .Forced
1.Weather alarm – 2.Forced – 3.Block
1. Block – 2. Weather alarm – 3. Forced
1. Block – 2. Forced – 3. Weather alarm
1. Forced – 2. Weather alarm – 3.Block
1. Forced – 2. Block – 3. Weather alarm
This parameter defines the order of the safe function priority. In this
way, the blind correctly controlled if more than one safety function is
activated simultaneously. Priority level decreases from the first to the
last. Weather alarm is contain the wind1, 2, 3, rain, frost. Their priority
can be configured in the “Weather Alarm” main tag; the parameter
name is “
Order of priority for weather