Technical data sheet: S000114123EN-1
Created: 18/01/2021
Cat. No(s): 0 026 72/73/74/76/78/79
KNX controller multi-application DIN
7 .5 "Enable Input a…s" parameter (continued)
7 .5 .2 "a - Switch Dim Sensor" parameter
You can use the corresponding input to switch the light on or off or
dim it. When dimming, dimming up or dimming down is carried out via
the 4 bit dimming object; the parameters for the dimming steps can be
set. In addition, you can also transmit the corresponding dimming step
cyclically for a period of time that can be set as required.
Connected contact type
normally closed
*normally open
The contact type of the push button attached to the channel is
adjusted here.
Dimming functionality
Dimming and switching
*Only dimming
• This parameter is select “
Dimming and switching
If the dimming actuator was switched on by a short push button
action, then it is dimmed brighter/darker by the first long push button
• This parameter is select “
Only dimming
The advantage of the “Only dimming” function is that no distinction
is between short and long actuation. It is not necessary to wait for a
long actuation.
Reaction on short operation
no reaction
This parameter is visible if there is selected “
Dimming and switching
When the push button is pressed briefly the value currently stored in
the switching object. An ON or OFF telegram is only generated when
the push button is released. (Falling edge)
Reaction on long operation
With the long push button action, the light becomes brighter
or darker depending on the object value and the last controlled
dimming direction.
A long operation changes the value of the object “Dimming”.
Long operation after
This parameter is visible if the parameter value is set “Dimming and
switching”. Long press period is select here.
Dimming mode
*start-Stop dim
dimming steps
• “
Start- Stop dim
”: It starts the dimming process with a telegram
BRIGHTER or DARKER. In addition, button releases than STOP-
dimming telegram sends. Cyclic sending telegram is not necessary
in this case.
• “
Dimming steps
”: The dimming telegram is sent cyclically during a
long operation. STOP telegram sends at the end of operation.
Brightness change on every sent telegram
This parameter is only visible with the “Dimming steps” options. This
parameter is cyclically sent with every dim telegram.
7 .5 "Enable Input a…s" parameter (continued)
7 .5 .2 "a - Switch Dim Sensor" parameter (continued)
Transmission cycle time:
Telegram is repeated every
This parameter is only visible with the “
Dimming steps
” options. The
cycle time for sending corresponds with the time interval between
two telegrams during cyclical sending.
Debounce time
Debounce uses the input, which means checking twice in a short
period to make sure it is definitely pressed.
7 .5 .3 "a - Blind Sensor" parameter
The dual surface shutter function triggers shutter actuators, which
can adjustment shutter and blind. You can rise the shutter/adjust the
lamella using a single key and lower the shutter/adjust the lamella using
a second key surface blind operation. Every shutter actuator controls
with a 0-signal the up movement and a 1-signal down movement.
Operating functionality of the blind
* 1 push-button, short=stepping,
1 push-button, short=moving,
1 push-button-operation, moving
1 switch-operation, moving
2 push-button, standard
2 switch-operation, moving
2 push-button, moving
2 push-button, stepping
Description is below the table.
1 button, short=stepping, long=moving
Short operation
Stop / lamella adjustment
The stop/lamella adjustment object is for
the adjustment opposite direction to the last
movement of the lamella. In additional it stops a
running movement of the shutter.
Long operation
Shutter up / Shutter down
Long press is opposite direction to the last
movement for moving the shutter up or down.
1 button, short= moving, long= stepping
Short operation
Shutter up / Shutter down
Long press is for moving the shutter up or down.
Long operation
Stop / lamella adjustment
The stop/lamella adjustment object is for
the adjustment opposite direction to the last
movement of the lamella. In additional it stops
a running movement of the shutter. Long press
detects than stop/lamella adj. communication
object sends periodically.
1 button operation, moving
On operation
This property is for moving only shutters up
or down. Each press this commands send
Move UP
Stop/lamella adj. UP
Stop/ lamella DOWN