2. Sanitizer Production / System Sizing
While sanitizer
varies beyond precise prediction, the following “rules of thumb” will assist you in properly selecting the correct
Lectranator model. When unsure, we recommend selecting the larger model versus the smaller model if you desire 100% of your san-
itizing requirements be satisfied with your Lectranator System.
A Control Panel with a
RC-7 cell,
operated at maximum output (3.5 amps), at 3000 ppm salt residual will produce
Sodium Hypochlorite equivalent to 0.545 kg of chlorine per day. This amount of chlorine should satisfy most residential pool
applications, depending on the
8 demand
variables for sanitizer.
A Control Panel with a
RC-15 cell
, operated at maximum output (5.0 amps), at 3000 ppm salt residual will produce
Sodium Hypochlorite equivalent to 0.545 kg of chlorine per day. This amount of chlorine should satisfy higher demand applica-
tions, depending on the
8 demand
variables for sanitizer.
Residual salt levels must be maintained above 2800 ppm and below 3200 ppm.Do not exceed 3200 ppm salt residual or
you will begin to taste the salt in the water! Maintaining constantly high levels of salt and chlorine and/or bromine above recom-
mended range can contribute to corrosion of the pool or spa equipment. Salt levels exceeding the recommended concentration
can be reduced by diluting the spa water with fresh water.
System Sizing For Swimming Pools (Continued)
Section 1 a