Periodic cleaning of polycarbonate, using correct procedures with compatible household cleaners, is
recommended to prolong the service life of your material. However, polycarbonate has a relatively soft
surface that mars easily with wiping action. The use of abrasive, gritty cleaners and/or hard cleaning
implements (e.g. hard brushes, scrapers, squeegees) should be avoided to eliminate the possibility of
scratching the surface coating. The following cleaning techniques are based on standard industry
General Cleaning:
1) Thoroughly pre-rinse with warm water to loosen and wash away surface material, grit and grime.
2) Using a soft microfiber cloth or moist non-abrasive sponge, gently wash with a mild diluted soap or detergent.
3) Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm clean water. To prevent water spots, thoroughly dry the glazing with a dry soft
Removing Heavy Oils and Tars:
1) Thoroughly pre-rinse with warm water to loosen and wash away surface material, grit and grime.
2) With a 50/50 isopropyl alcohol-water mixture, gently rub the area with a soft non-abrasive cloth.
3) Immediately rinse thoroughly with lukewarm clean water. To prevent water spots, thoroughly dry the glazing
with a dry soft cloth.
Removing Graffiti, Paint, Marker, Inks and Glazing Compounds:
1) Thoroughly pre-rinse with warm water to loosen and wash away surface material, grit and grime.
2) Using Naphtha VM&P grade, Isopropyl Alcohol or Butyl Cellosolve, gently rub the area with a soft, non-abrasive
cloth. Do not apply solvent cleaners under direct sunlight or during high temperatures.
3) Immediately rinse thoroughly with lukewarm clean water. To prevent water spots, thoroughly dry the glazing
with a dry soft cloth.
Removing Adhesive backed Labels:
1) Isopropyl Alcohol, Naphtha VM&P grade or Kerosene will help lift stickers and adhesives.
2) Immediately rinse thoroughly with lukewarm clean water. To prevent water spots, thoroughly dry the glazing
with a dry soft cloth.
Compatible Cleaners
The following cleaning agents are compatible with most polycarbonate sheet products when used according to the
manufacturer's recommendations:
Top Job, Joy®
Palmolive Liquid®
Windex® Ammonia free
[Top Job and Joy are registered trademarks of Proctor & Gamble, Palmolive is a registered trademark of
Colgate Palmolive, Windex is a registered trademark of Drackett Products Company]
Points to Remember
Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Do not use high alkaline cleaners (high pH or ammoniated).
Do not leave cleaners sitting on polycarbonate for periods of time; wash off immediately.
Do not apply cleaners under direct sunlight or at elevated temperatures.
Do not clean your polycarbonate with any unapproved cleaners. When in doubt, seek guidance.
Using scrapers, squeegees, razors or other sharp instruments may permanently scratch your polycarbonate.
Always avoid dry rubbing/cleaning your polycarbonate, as sand and dust particles clinging to the exterior of the
glazing may scratch its surface.
Model AC and FC Closures
Polycarbonate Cleaning Instructions