crystal User Manual
Version: 6.6.0/2
18. GPIO
Ember+ GPIO
element can be used to exchange GPIO signals with another Ember+ device. Each element
provides 32 GPIs and 32 GPOs plus 8 level inputs and outputs.
To use this element, the system must be configured as an Ember+ Provider, Ember+ Consumer or both (via the
System -> Definition -> Parameter = Local Providers/Local Consumers
" branch of the 'Tree Definition').
Link Mode
option then defines how the Ember+ GPIO element behaves in this device:
An Ember+ provider publishes parameters so that they may be controlled by a consuming device.
An Ember+ consumer can control, or respond to, GPIO parameters published by an Ember+ provider.
For bi-directional control you will need to configure one Ember+ GPIO element in this console and a mirroring
element (provider or consumer) in the external device.
Global Parameters
Ember+ GPIO
Reference name for the element. This must be identical to the Reference name used by the
corresponding consuming (or providing) device. See
Link Mode
Sets whether the element is a Local Provider or Local Consumer.
Behaviour on Connection
If the
Link Mode
Local Provider
, then this option determines what happens if the network
connection to the consuming device is lost:
Keep input values
to keep parameters in their current state (recommended).
Set Input Values to 0
to reset parameters to their default state.
Note that the provider has a time out of 1 minute before determining that the connection is
lost. The consumer does not recognize a connection loss.
Local Provider Nr.
If the
Link Mode
Local Provider
, enter the
of the Ember+ provider you wish to
use (as defined under "System -> Definition -> Parameter = Local Providers").
Remote Consumer IP
If the
Link Mode
Local Provider
, enter the IP Address of the Ember+ consumer. Only
this device will be allowed to change the GPI values.
Provider Monitoring
When ticked, devices other than the one defined by the
Remote Consumer IP Address
"listen" to the provider's GPIOs. Note that this will increase the amount of network traffic.
Local Consumer Nr.
If the
Link Mode
Local Consumer
of the Ember+ Consumer you wish
to use (as defined under "System -> Definition -> Parameter = Local Consumers").