LAVA Computer MFG Inc. eSynC Product Family - Reference Manual – C03
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Samsung Knox Configure
LTM can be installed using Samsung's "Knox Configure" which is a cloud-based service
permitting IT administrators to configure Samsung Galaxy devices in bulk remotely.
The service pushes out customer provided applications and files to a mobile device through the
\Contents folder created in the Internal Storage folder. The "Knox Configure" service creates the
\Contents folder, which is not present on the device as a default. LTM searches for its
LTM_CFG.txt configuration update file in the \Download folder as well as the \Contents folder.
The first time LTM tries to access the Contents folder, a File Selection dialogue is presented to
the user to locate the file and grant LTM the ability to read the file. Subsequent updates do not
require the File Selection dialogue. This is a requirement of the Android operating system.
This only applies to LTM 3, which is legacy now. LTM v4.** and v5.** do not
use Samsung Knox.
Product Versions
Every eSynC product shares a core set of features. Each product integrates a different
combination of peripherals to provide the optimal configuration for a customer use-case.
There are two generations of products referred to in this document as the eSynC Mk1 and eSynC
Mk2. The eSynC Mk1 is the original series of products. The second generation products are
referred to as eSynC Mk2 and were introduced in early 2020.
Product generations can be identified by observing the two status LEDs upon power-up. The
MK1 products pulse the two status LEDs on for ½ second then off for ¾ second once upon
startup. The Mk2 products flash the status LEDs four times on startup, with each pulse being
approximately 1/3 of a second in duration.
If LTM is operating with the Configuration Console active, the Hardware Information option can
be used to verify which product is being used. The optional LAVA-Device-Info utility can also
be used to verify which product you are using. The utility reports “L” for the Mk1
products and “L Mk2” for the Mk2 products.
The Mk1 products only support one battery modulation scheme, while the Mk2 products support
two battery modulation schemes to deal with variations in compatible mobile devices.
The Mk2 products contain additional support for recovery management. When the recovery
mechanism resets the USB peripherals, the power contract with the mobile device is also
renewed as an additional procedure to ensure seamless operation.
The “btty-protection-type” option in the LTM configuration file determines which battery
modulation scheme is to be used.
Note: The LAVA-Device-Info utility and is a useful addition for LTM 3 users. However, it is
redundant for users of LTM v4.** and v5.** as its features are now built into the app.