OX-TRAN Model 2/22 Operator’s Manual
Trouble Shooting
Revision R
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
This chapter contains information to assist you in solving problems that may occur during the operation of
the instrument.
Read this chapter to learn about:
Error Messages and Warnings
Solving Operational Problems
Sensor Over-Range Recovery
Power Fail Recovery
Error Messages and Warnings
The instrument software is continually checking for errors. When an error is detected, an Error Message
dialog will be displayed. Select the “Dismiss” button to close the dialog. If a condition that could cause
damage is detected, any active tests will automatically be “Failed” and the sensor will be placed in the By-
Pass state.
For additional information on any error messages that may occur, their cause and possible solutions please
consult the Instrument Help System.
If you encounter an error message and are unable to resolve the problem, write down both
the error code and the message. This will help MOCON service representatives diagnose the
problem. Contact MOCON in the USA at (763) 493-6370.
Troubleshooting Testing Problems
The following may assist in identifying and correcting problems that occur during instrument operation.
Abnormally low results when testing Certified Films.
Perform a test using a Certified Film to verify the symptom. Certified Films must be
tested at the conditions stated on the label. Abnormally low results under these
conditions are generally due to sensor exhaustion.
Call MOCON in the USA for instructions at (763) 493-6370.
For information on checking the performance of the oxygen sensor refer to the
section titled “Permeant Sensor Performance Check” in Appendix G.