OX-TRAN Model 2/22 Operator’s Manual
Testing Packages
Revision R
Package Testing Methods
There are many different types of packages and most of them can be tested on the OX-TRAN Model 2/22.
Most packages can be classified as belonging to one of two categories, rigid packages or flexible packages.
To test a package, a fixture must be created that allows a Test Gas to be supplied to one side of the
package (usually the outside) and the Carrier Gas to the other. The process of creating this package
“fixture” is often referred to as “Mounting the Package”. See Package Mounting Methods in this chapter for
more information.
Testing using Ambient Conditions
If you require transmission rate data only at room temperature, you can test packages without an
Environmental Chamber. However, be aware that your transmission data may be scattered or flawed by
fluctuations in ambient temperature and RH.
To test at ambient conditions the mounted package can often be attached directly to the Package Adapter.
If the mounted package is unusually large or heavy the tubing may need to be extended.
Package Conditioning
The barrier materials used in packages are generally thicker than films samples. Thicker materials often
require a longer time to condition to the test environment. A safe guideline is a conditioning period of 8 to 24
hours. You may determine that a shorter or longer conditioning period is necessary. If the outer bag has
tightly expanded (when using a poly bag), puncture a small hole in it. This will not affect test data and will
allow test gas to fill the bag at a consistent pressure.
Testing using an Environmental Chamber
An environmental chamber will be required if any of the following conditions apply:
Tighter control of sample temperature is needed than ambient conditions allow.
A sample temperature above or below room temperature is required.
CAUTION: Damage to the system may occur if you attempt RH testing in an
Environmental Chamber at certain temperatures.
AUTION: When connecting the instrument to an external device such as an
environmental chamber the plumbing must be isolated so that it does not
come in contact with the electrical ground (i.e. Insulate the copper tubing so
that it does not come in contact with any metallic or conductive surfaces in
the environmental chamber).