7.2 Interface functions
Interface functions such as read and write commands make it possible to
read out the current operating parameters of constant temperature equip-
ment and predefine specific settings and process values.
The interface functions supported by this interface are presented briefly
below. They are sorted by topic according to the component affected and
assigned a unique ID. Depending on the technical configuration of your
constant temperature equipment, the number and scope of the interface
functions actually available may vary from the list shown here, see chapter
"Availability of the interface functions".
7.2.1 Read commands
The analog module recognizes the following read commands, which you can
use to query the operating data of the constant temperature equipment:
Table 2: Temperature
ID Function
2 Temperature set point
4 Bath temperature (outflow temperature)
5 Controlled temperature (internal / external Pt / external analog / external serial)
14 External temperature TE (Pt)
16 Actual value of external temperature (via interface)
Table 3: Pump
ID Function
6 Outflow pressure / pump pressure, relative to the atmosphere
12 Flow rate
20 Pump power
22 Pump speed
Table 4: Actuating signal
ID Function
11 Controller actuating signal
Interface module LRZ 912
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