time recording
Everything you need in a basic time
recorder at an affordable price.
Lathem’s 900E is a versatile time
clock, job time recorder and
document stamp. This economy
model with digital display can
record employee attendance, track
project time, and stamp important
documents. The 900E’s internal
calendar automatically changes the
day, week, month, year, and even
adjusts for Daylight Savings until
the year 2099. It never needs
resetting as it keeps time and
settings during power outages for up to three
years. The 900E features selectable print direction
and language. You can choose from 14 different
print formats and 13 optional comments. It prints
clearly on paper forms or time cards and the
ribbon cartridge is easy to change. A locking
cover with optional password protection ensures
security, and its sleek compact enclosure allows
for desktop or wall mount use.
Time CloCk & DoCumenT STamp
low CoST eleCTroniC Time reCorDer