Lasonic DVD-32000 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание DVD-32000

Страница 1: ...iC Instruction Manual J DVD 3200 DW qMDVD 3300K DVD r IDEO CD CD PLAYER tw H PC 0 qE d K Before artemptin toconnecr operare orad sllh sproducl prease rcadrhese This moder s nolforbus ness use F trr l...

Страница 2: ...CTION l ST RT PL B CK TOIERIII ITE PALSE SI U PLAIBAfI sKrP1 NnxuPRvlot s cHAtr RflR c F rs ttoRrv RD BAcK r llo PL BA K SLO I NL R CK SEARCIt I BACK slfctAl Pt YirloDf zooirlfc I LAYBACI I L B CX t t...


Страница 4: ...onalEbdnc lCrne ANSINTP No 70 l9S4 Fovidesinformdion nh r splct ro propc Sounding of rhcma md s pponing in cturc groundinSol thcleadin ne io an a emadschaig unir s olgromdin q rond trclos lo dionol an...

Страница 5: ...asrs lrplrfl jnsall d ond nsrrion ill fom inside thephrft onnu in pd or l nt nhconlensrnon rhcpl er rllnor ork nomalll D prtrdi4 on s condensrtion rht br s ithing posdronlhc I h crfd I l hotr rodn it...

Страница 6: ...reducediiadi i dlnvorLrm lingsprd Pl ascdonorur oLrdLe cheDricaLs likeheLcn or thinnr ir itr r rrLrti rlchargc eli inato lladisci e ydinr plcas ipcirNirhi rsoiidorh rltD r rrirsrladr rdo6 PLeasc donol...

Страница 7: s r rJ nsloritrrNiccfr lnddirionrdnon Pac vd o Cll phts yo cunplryinrcradiv sons orn nNrchi irgs chiuncrion br usilg ncnus shown onthcsscd Nleru ph Somd funcrninr d crihed inthkmanud mrt norsork Rq...



Страница 10: ...tu t CD I rlnuet RighGioiiiedforDvl I thnL q99 _llNlF i on forelrpsc lin ItENiAlN forr mii iin s ttrtr PROG nr t ocranikdPrt nlrd r Rr ND fornM DrPh iNdrr rd crde r p arnon lort xd 11 rtn rt l B triod...

Страница 11: ...OTECONTROLUNIT LOPEN CLOSE bnnon 2 DISPLAYbrb lo PI AYMODEbutton ll vol bunon l3 SLOWFbunon 19 SUBTITLE bunon 22 CLR HIFTbunon 23 NUMBER o t huIbns l l DIRECTION ENl riRbuuons 12 KARIOKE butron C OO f...

Страница 12: ...dl orrorccciv 3hcL ToavoidabratdoM pl ec donol3p6t w lcr onihedevie orputil ona l objccl lfyd wil mr ue lhedricc forr 16g p riod pl6e tarelhebaod6 oul vhen rnemotc correl o ndon b com6 diflicut plN ch...

Страница 13: ...fd unpllg non o tl r lbr 11 quipm nr Th co tinlo6 linssindic rdco dsufl lid Nirhrhk PIod rhedorred lincsforco dsb bcpurch4d CONNECTION TO ANTV SET NOTf CONNECTINC TO rudioourpur tou nu comectLomrRO L...

Страница 14: ...Il lduscrhsliarur ll youdonolconnlct I n b ootar royoursJ m pleas Mkc ur roLL d rtuSLrB l OFFR lhe lrolb DigilrlJccdd r n nLn ooning aiyri ne d r l vD phru Ls CONNI CTING TO EQUIPMENT WII H DIGITAL TE...

Страница 15: nr a uelt Before onflcrrhcplale o o6er equrpncnl preas run poss ottand npLu q lronroultcrtordtequipnenr lhc cominu us linesiDdicarcordsupplied ith rhnpmducr rhcdo J lincstd ordr b heptrrchascd CONN...

Страница 16: ...ay conneciyou DVDplals toanexlerml Dolby Dignal orDTS receiv viarhedignal ourpu6 Youmar use eirher acoaxial oranopricrl cabl roconncd rhcunirs rogerher PtescmakE sucrhdr rhcAUDOUTopriotr i rlheSETUP m...

Страница 17: ...D CD ndplusuedrnA Po n ourl rhcplrrrr rlR rh I J ndpo in l Ldo r lfl LPrss thcfOwER burton l1r DVDPlaler rums onDd rhepo ct i icaiorotrrlrc pla nlight up ThcVIDNillshow ONi pansmatrdrh 1vslcn ill sho...

Страница 18: ...ior Th dia try will conc o t R oov lh di afio rhedi My o nscompl tly 4 Prsrth POWER buxon Th die roy ill clo albmrically ft tl ycr sill rufu otldd od b ndby mode NOTE Ifthc pl y4 is or in uselor alonc...

Страница 19: ...heSTOPbu oD lgain lsroP cooo ooo 0 o o rheOSD illshos SIOP Arrhisrimc prcss hcPL Y butonrgain the player ill playbeck rrom hca ofdis AASE STEP PLAYBACK DVD VCD CD Prc thePAUSE buitonduitrgpla hask lhc...

Страница 20: ...X1butonNill b involiddd ln OSDwill show SKTP TO PREVIOUS CIIAPTER TI ACK PB lhePREV bunon fi play rwiuskiptoprcvioB If cuF hrytr hck islnelirsraluprcrImct p rhePREV buron ill h iNariddd lhcosD ill sho...

Страница 21: ...u8hrh di Each rim youpr ss theFBbunon iheplayback stc d chmses X2 X4 X3 X20 Pre lhePLAVbutlonlo r6onchorn l playback lioTD Iirh dis isAudiocD cD DA ihefo rd sF d onl LOWPLAYRACK DYD YCD YoucmplayDVDdi...

Страница 22: bookmark rosd TheDvD ployerhaverhtocbdknarks for uing Oncerhcdesircd p i dunn pb brk isrco h d pEs de l Nl lR butron Tocld abookm k cnrD sel cr a booknark NnharinEralu andprsslhcCLR StllFT butun PE...

Страница 23: ...ccchorchoptr En ertin ch pler tillc numbcr Tojumpaspori timcdnrhcdisc sele r flMEandcnk rhetimein0nirsolhn ho hor6 minurcs ssondt rhennresrcENTER bu oD Example Nish lom l l5r 15 l ho l5 miruc15sc dnd...

Страница 24: back juhpsback rofidbeCirmi4 orrhcchlprer ft vrD iLrishr C rcoi TITLE R pear crrem irlc lcn playback rcaches r t endot rhecuflcm nte ptaybdck jubpsb kbrh b gfnnrgofrherirle oirlrD i tsho ALLnDD vcD...

Страница 25: ...cord r ToeMblePognmned Playback dode selecr PRoGI Aivlandpres theENTER b kn Thisembles e Progm Msnu lheOSDwilldisplay t trlollowiig PROGRAM E DIT I I3 zlql 6l t ror t r4r1l rtnl 7tiit lrrll t5r l 411...

Страница 26: ...mal tuhion nreOSDqill dirptal REPEAT A RC NCEI_ED OOM NGPLAYRACK fhcpla ercan zoohuprhepi rurc torvicsinsdcrits dtrinsn rm t sto orjilt playback lt youfunncrpE rh ZOOMbutronrcpclredly_ rlr Dagnificali...

Страница 27: sill sho liBt page otop furiondsdts O5DJGU tho pa ol op mrio al na s drr fi chapler li rolal45chlptu cunentdtleI iroral2 tirles cuncdr rackI rrdkllltacks Pr s th DISPLAY button agrit I hcon rFndis...

Страница 28: ...d ien h no elanplaying SELECTION OF TITLES Some di a rccoid Lw ritlesmd arca cd sitn ir uETITLEbdronon b usd ro lcr dE rirl l PE th TITLE b fron Alisloltheirl sonftedi isnowdisplaycd lnk oclu If hcdi...

Страница 29: ...sing rh nsb r butors b selec fie pBfctu n ms lfrheEnesve l ncnus d rhcsrd l cl 3 itching rhe s n by6ingrhcNEXTorPREV bunon lfyouwantbrerunftesledio Ncru pr rhcRLllURN LToph vCD2 0 discs irh PBc PBCON...

Страница 30: ...sD wi showlhccurenlludio seting givingrbetdguaEe fint3 lerds audiolypebd PE th AUDTO buflonMtii theprct r d tegu se is LrmpE re od 4aldro nsuare NOTE lhb opedtionMrks onlywirh ji s o whichhuttipl audi...

Страница 31: ...rk s in sirid thcldsunsc fib1i ldl s I c rhcSUBT TI l burcr uNil rh Ircltred langlr se t Toclcrrhcsub lcoDrr fr d eSlBlITLEb on t mple Re ordj 5ubi l lmqudlc NOTf Thisopcn iotr orkso ly ithdiscson lfl...

Страница 32: ...Pre tft ANGLEbunonun t rnep eferedoglc is llUieDVDdrc hrvehuhrple tugekre orded on r A4le conwilib displal onsreenwhen moRrh n irsm8leiconwhiledgt chaeese alaitabte NOTE Thisluncrion ill onl rk wheny...

Страница 33: ...a 3D enhan ed soundefi ct Youcdenjoy ihcrD cnhanccd sound cff cr PreslhelDbu ontoenrblc disablcrh lDaudio pos proce ln thnlsivera muLtichaDNl au l r n d using onlytr ospc kes lheosD irdnftsrlic u nn P...

Страница 34: ...hor tracks prcss rhcNEXT P IDV bu l Pr srheDlRf cTloNburon a lr v orrhc NUMBER buno s t 9 los leda ack pR rhcD RECflONb ons l t tohighlilhr rhed6 ed nmh orpr srhc 3 Pfe thcf Nl trRburon l hed rRd dk...

Страница 35: ...peatedly b tosglePARTNER b OFF SflrREO l EF l RIGH I wlle tie kraoke funcrionisOFr tu ktuaoke nEoujui onl 1odoaudjochanndchanginS Youcan pEs iheDO UN butlo v toAUDjOCHposition rhenprcsslheENTERbu onft...

Страница 36: dd dsht PB lhelh DIRECflON bution v burroisroh6tc P6 lhcENIER buttonb nul dc rrllin objer dbp to Pre th GAMEbutlontocl d tn gm b foR s lan OTHELLosith rhefie DnEmoN b non v butroc PE rheENTER hubn...

Страница 37: ...ler will skip b prelious r ck You cd lo r a spccificrEck by diEcrlt setcding rek nunbd Erhple lojunf 125rdcl playback PEss l 2 5 ENTERbdo Youcs vies i fomarionabour a MPI di andir operarional surusonr...

Страница 38: ...rLREI l TVSYS IAUTO XID NEXT Ihe DIRECTION burcDd v ar trsed tostlrr cN serin r h drngc Il rheDowNbuoon t ispr edconrinuoNr rh osD rill JiJnld e follo in3 r ml prs of seltines AtJl OUT IANALOC CIll P...

Страница 39: ...edisc fiddry d htrtr ENCjI lsll subrirL l i Erdr istngtjsh CIIINESI suh rl Frrt nc i Cht sr Noit s m lr l fur6 5 lridrsptr subrirtcsjirdjffmnrlaneuiS 1lunyotr tcd rl scl ionoll I Pr rL rh u kj clcdrrr...

Страница 40: ...lby Disir l OT DTS X OTE TheANALOG6Cll isr ailablein 5 1chm cl mddel rf ANAI OCI 6CIl isscLccrcd rheSUaWOOIERserings lakcrrlcd IfBIISTREAMis lcd dDdrheaudiosrurceislzcM l l thrdurputonfieDigiralAudio...

Страница 41: ...r i5C lls ln r r dio yuv lYounccdrconFlr nr video lv irrhisco a 6 hrinel S rin uh dii iun r Jrl lc in 5I chrnnrlnmdcll Ldnjn niSL B r l I R rllo 5 lhcus ri cn hl disablc rhc trb uolerourpur qhenAUDOti...

Страница 42: ...r to p nettj tnireihr npd h g for heTV b VlOEO Conned c den ibtL norhe deooupurJ k5se urcLy che t1 sYsinSEI PNknu Chcsk TV yatuard ofptryingdisc trsur rhatihc qtripmmis o necrcdpmpert selecr rhecorcc...

Страница 43: ...ubeD 3t rbol3 ei6denarksof OoLby Labo6lores Confidenlral npublshedworks 992 1997 AllrghtsGsetoed D l l u0 DvD 3030D D l00K vlDI O CD2 0 Pla b lt ontoL fD DA Audio Cp MPl ourpurlsel 0rvm 75Q CD 4tlz lo...

Страница 44: ...1i iil i 1 t f i firil t i l i T T i ifi 1 l t 1 11 il 7 l9 sr ne 4 adm dg Jt fd tu k d ir Fn Y r o ofi dd x rt n r F o aLrNrD srR P lr 4 Hoq rD i ld S ljfii rT l iri fi ihilJir r ilii il riiliih nI l...
