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Содержание LW600 Pro

Страница 1: ...ivC LCns 6x Magniflcation Powcr 72 Vic v Anglc 16mm Pupil Distance Prccision To 1M NIaximum Rangc LW600PRo 600M L V1000PRo1000M Closcst distancc L V600PR 4M LW1000PRo5M spccd rangc 0 300KM H 3V Battcr...

Страница 2: ...and Y ranging flagpole lock Golf distancc co cction fog HorizOntal distancc ncasurcmcnt VcHica1height mcasurcmcnt and spccd 1nodcs you can1ong press button to sWitch M Y unit thc unit switchcs w l bc...

Страница 3: show to rcmhd rcplacc thc ba cry Baltc Rcp1accmcnt indioatc 4 Modc Sclcction PrcssMkcy in the ranging nagpole lock Go1fd1stancc corrccfion fog Horizolltal dlstallcc mcasulcmcllt Velt hel mc urcmcla...

Страница 4: ...nagp 1e scan rnode thc point D may bc iso1ated fron1a llmnber ofpoints in the backgromld oLlt and keep only ulc dlstancc d1to tlle polnt so as to achievc thc automatic locldng nagp lc distancc Ihc o...

Страница 5: ...nd tllc screen banncr around thc box is no1onger nashing which1ncans that the nagpolc data is Iookcd 4 3 golf distance oorrection mode Principlc _ rs The lneasurcd t stance vahes AB the slopc valuc is...

Страница 6: ...po1Cs flagpolc s1opc vahe thc tralcctor Can bC ca1cu1ated Distancc and s1opc va1uc ttlrns thc display Thc calcu1atcd rcsults sho v I rs Slopc valuc is disp1ayed fl t s an 4 4 fog Modc Principle Fog mo...

Страница 7: ...ontal distancc lneas ement Modc Ho zontal jliis ce AD Press0kcy to sta1t measLlr gthc ds e and ope After ob n g measurelnents oalculatcs and dlsp1ays e honzontal dl anoe and measunng slope HoHzontal d...

Страница 8: ...1hc vo VII Thc ming polnt is a1igncd at the bo om of c mcas ed o ect ho1dd thc key Thc screen appears soan and Bo om and starts mcasuring a distance to lllc obJeot at tlac bo om Vhcn the mcaswcd dista...

Страница 9: ...Found at e bottom 4 7 speedl Mode Found atthc top and Vc al height o 16 V d d1l t...

Страница 10: ...Meth d E fJ g KM H and M bm u t sc ree Bmometers how s s w s 4 7 scan mode P i l le In scan mode the1aser wnl e ta ontmuous eaoh distance to be neas ed nl be dispIayed one by one 19...

Страница 11: ...J Md C thC machlIaC tLum 20 Press C9kcy scvcral ti ncs unti1thc display shox vs thc lst f 1 ction on of stafus Lstatus Func on No d cLOsE E 0PEN I unctlon NO l agpolc lock 2 golf dlstalacc oo e lon 3...
