Q: I’ve bought a LASER IP Camera with SD Card Slot and Built-in Microphone (NT-IPC).
It’s quite for me to set it up. Sometime images are not viewable remotely at other sites (Home
etc) and I am not sure what to do. Can you please help?
A: Thank you for purchasing one of our products. I am sorry that you are having trouble with
one of our IP cameras. As each network is set up individually using different components from
different manufactures, it is not possible to write a decisive guide on how to set the IP
cameras up with all networks.
The basics are as follows:
1. The camera can be set up to be accessed directly or through the web server software
that is included with the cameras.
2. To access the cameras directly, you will need to set the IP address on the camera so
it is in same range as other devices on your network so it can be seen by you router.
You will need to port forward you router to the IP address of you camera. The
protocol for the port should HTTP. With this set any calls to your router from the
internet from web browsers will be forwarded to the IP camera. You will need to know
the IP address assigned to your broadband modem by your ISP. This is usually found
on the router setup page.
3. You can set the software up as a web server as well. This is handy if you are using
more than one camera. Once the camera is set up and the home secure software is
installed, you can turn the web server feature on. You will be shown the web server
details that will be required to be set as port forwarding in your router. The default is
port (IP address of computer running software)and then port 7788.
I hope this information has been helpful. Please let me know if you require any further help.