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Содержание VECTOR VCT-2010

Страница 1: ......

Страница 2: ...ruJ VCT 2010 2 3 features and spedflcaHons 4 _5 VCT 2610 features and spmecll l caHons 6 _ 7 vcr q11a features and speclftcatlons 8_9 VCT ISDOD features and specU lcaHons VCT 30DOD electrlc al connect...

Страница 3: ...hiQJIlrtlpiitU Input 2 71V OVAdjustable US6m Wilflcarstttraoutputwlllclluses RCA 1Yf1BCOllntetorcab f S Ifyourcarstsm lckJ notRCAtyptoutpu us1thf J ob owllVll ffntftll 95d8 nplltdplrlrtocollflldtheSfl...

Страница 4: ...hOst JkSr0111put QdSf1fcarstMOandthe RCAln Jlltjllcks of1111p AllBampa 71lfsampfaaWm RCAjl k3forAJJX iflfoutputs Usetf esetorunllmitrJdsystem expa ISion to thenext VECTOR U I TiiisIndicatorIs llumlnl1...

Страница 5: ...feJJlllres RCAtypejllckBtorhflJlllm fl JlfK eIn Wt l ltltltl 95dB UnltltSfwl1hcwst FllOoutputwhichusnRCA1 111C1Jl1llfCtofClblts r 65dB ffyourcarslllmofaCltsmnotRC t 1 111 output US tlllhJglJ lowltMll...

Страница 6: ...trols powerLED l utsooslllvltyswllch _______ __ lnputl Nelcootrol subsoniclmlcoatml _________ __ _ lawlMIInputs mmrtsJavemodeswtlch masterhla ecablepo11 I ch amp vcz r ISDDD _ ______ pral cllooLED pha...

Страница 7: ...y _lnel 200mV 8VAdjustable JrrctliBld IS 9SdB Vfsignalr ab B _ JllM_ will In111661 AVE Mol t Jsamp ifi wMllasaSlAVEamp thismaaf s 65 18 onlyt Ju11dJosigllllufthe MASTeRampwillbe1mpllfled _ Alloonrro f...

Страница 8: ...ISOOD VCT 3000D 000000000000000000000 1 11 12Vbatfety 10 1 headunit ti torem ru 12V stereo Input conneetlons 2 ch amp VC Tr 2DID ua1ne low level Input 000000000000000000000 f ftJfl 4 head unit LJRAud...

Страница 9: ...m speakerterminals VECTOR QWNll MAllUAL 1 4 vAdaptors using high level lnputa head unit L ANOTHBIVECTORAMPLIFlffi stereo Input connections 2 ch amp vc r 2s10 ua1n1 law level Inputs head unit L RAudlo...

Страница 10: ...nputs OOOOOOooooooooooooobo q T To asecondamplifier fromspeakertennlnals I J VECTOR QWNll MAllUAL h9adunit vAdaptors ualna high level Inputs 000000000000000000000 q d d speaker connections 2 ch amp VC...

Страница 11: ...I VECTOR QWNll MAllUAL I head unit L RAudio Olllputs ua1ne high level lnputa 000000000000000000000 fo speaker connec tlons Channel mode iili at3 4 11 0 Mll Q ll O ER DI llZ CH4 speaker 11 IMS subWoof...

Страница 12: ...rcannectlan maater Blave made ooo oa o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Jt o _ _ __ master BllVB J VECTOR QWNll MAllUAL 20 speaker connections I ch amp VCT 15000 Vf T 30000 lntarconnectlon Low Paaa mode...

Страница 13: ...S speaker connections I ch amp VCT 15000 VCT 30000 lntercanneCUan maater Blave made Interconnection example 1 aubwoorer with a Dua1 vo1ceca11 maatar Biava _5l_ ltll ThesubwoolerontheSLAVE ampll9l dsto...

Страница 14: ...erature conditions When the protection circuit Is activated by any of these condttions the Protection LED will be lllumlnated It this occurs carefUlly inspect the system to determine the source of the...
