5: Commands and Levels
SGX™ 5150 IoT Device Gateway Command Reference
state disable
Disables Failover.
state enable
Enables Failover.
Test failover configuration
Sets the Ping response timeout in seconds.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
failover (config-wlan-failover:wlan0) level commands
Clears the screen.
default failback threshold Restores the default Failback threshold.
default failover interface Restores the default Failover interface.
default failover threshold Restores the default Failover threshold.
default interval
Restores the default Ping interval.
default method
Restores the default ping method.
default timeout
Restores the default Ping response timeout.
Exit back to interface configuration level
failback threshold
Sets the Failback threshold. If <pings> attempts are answered, the device will Failback to
original interface.
failover interface
Sets the Failover interface.
failover threshold
Sets the Failover threshold. If <pings> attempts go unanswered, the device will Failover to
selected interface.
Sets the host name. <text> = name of the host to ping.
Sets the Ping interval in seconds.
method icmp
Ping using ICMP-ECHO.
method tcp
Ping using TCP.
no hostname
Clears the host name.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI session.
show status
Show failover status
state disable
Disables Failover.
state enable
Enables Failover.
Test failover configuration
Sets the Ping response timeout in seconds.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
failover (config-ethernet-failover:eth0) level commands
Clears the screen.
default failback threshold Restores the default Failback threshold.
default failover interface Restores the default Failover interface.
default failover threshold Restores the default Failover threshold.
default interval
Restores the default Ping interval.
default method
Restores the default ping method.
default timeout
Restores the default Ping response timeout.
Exit back to interface configuration level
failback threshold
Sets the Failback threshold. If <pings> attempts are answered, the device will Failback to
original interface.
failover interface
Sets the Failover interface.
failover threshold
Sets the Failover threshold. If <pings> attempts go unanswered, the device will Failover to
selected interface.