9: Network Services
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide
Email Settings
View and configure email alerts relating to events occurring within the system.
Table 9-8 Email Configuration
To View, Configure, and Send Email
The following section describes the steps to view and configure Email 1 settings;
these steps apply to other emails available for the device.
Using Web Manager
To view Email statistics, click
in the menu and select
Email 1 -> Statistics
To configure basic Email settings, click
in the menu and select
Email 1 ->
To send an email, click
in the menu and select
Email 1 -> Send Email
Email – Configuration
Enter the email address to which the email alerts will be sent. Multiple addresses
are separated by semicolon (;). Required field if email is to be sent.
Enter the email address to which the email alerts will be copied. Multiple addresses
are separated by semicolon (;).
Enter the email address from which email alerts will be sent. Multiple addresses are
separated by semicolon (;). Required field if email is to be sent.
Reply To
Enter the email address to list in the Reply-To field of the email alert.
Enter the subject for the email alert.
Message File
Enter the path of the file to send with the email alert. This file appears within the
message body of the email, not as an attachment.
Overriding Domain
Enter an overriding domain to forge the sender Domain Name in the outgoing email
message. This might be necessary, for example, if this device is located behind a
firewall whose IP address resolves to a different domain name than this device. For
SPAM protection, many SMTP servers perform reverse lookups on the sender IP
address to the originator of the message.
Server Port
Enter the server port to be used when configuring the email subsystem for delivery
of email notifications.
Local Port
Enter the local port to be used when configuring the email subsystem for delivery of
email notifications.
Select the priority level for the email alert:
Very Low