5 Foundation pit base
The antenna manhole must be installed by a specialist company.
Assess the ground conditions before preparing a load-bearing foundation pit
- For antenna manholes with an overall height less than 680 mm, the highest
groundwater level must be at least 1,200 mm below ground level.
The antenna manhole must be installed in “non-cohesive” to “cohesive”
mixed soils.
- Group G1 to G3 soil types as per ATV-DVWK-A (German Association for
Water, Wastewater and Waste) 127, and/or soil groups GE, GW, GI, SE,
SW, SI, GU, GT, SU, ST, GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*, UL and UM as per
DIN 18196.
Caution! Comply with ZTV A-StB 12 (Supplementary Technical Contract
Conditions and Guidelines for the Construction of Asphalt Roads) for the
construction of the road surface!
Preparing the foundation pit base
When preparing the foundation pit, comply with the following documentation from the
Gütegemeinschaft Leitungstiefbau e.V. (Underground Cable Line Construction Quality
"Procedural instructions for performing tasks in underground cable line
The position and depth of the foundation pit base or the concrete pit in the tram track
must be matched to the installation position.
The upper edge of the antenna manhole cover must lie completely flush with the
surrounding ground level, and must not project.
The cable entry or drainage conduit (e.g. DN100) must be laid such that it can be fed
vertically below the centre of the manhole after preparing the foundation pit base.