G100 Range
Copyright Geotechnical Instruments (UK) Limited
1-Delete All
Enables the operator to delete all the readings stored,
(see below).
Used to refine/filter the range of readings displayed by ID or
date ranges. Press between two dates, after a date, before a
date or all dates.
3-Go to
Enables the operator to jump to the first or last reading in
the memory or any other reading. Clear Reading Memory
The ‘Clear Reading Memory’ function enables the user to check how many readings have
previously been taken and clear them if necessary.
Note: Before readings are actually deleted a caution message is displayed; once
readings have been deleted they cannot be recovered.
The instrument can store up to 1000 readings. The reading structure is fixed and may
contain optional parameters not activated for your particular instrument configuration,
i.e. oxygen, temperature and humidity.
Once the reading memory is full it is not possible to store any more readings. When full
and the ‘Store’ key is pressed or data logging is activated the instrument will show a
brief message stating that the memory is full and that no further data will be recorded.
From the ‘Main Read Screen’ press the ‘Menu’ key on the instrument panel.
Press ‘Key 4’ to view data.
To clear the readings press the soft-key ‘More’ followed by ‘Key 1 - Delete all’.
5.9.5 Diagnostics
The ‘Diagnostics’ option enables Geotech Technical Support to identify and resolve issues
with the instrument and readings. If required, the operator may be asked to confirm the
diagnostics displayed.
From the ‘Main Read Screen’ press the ‘Menu’ key on the instrument panel.
Press ‘Key 5’ to view diagnostics.
Note: For further information contact Technical Support at Geotech (UK) Limited
on +44(0)1926 338111
or email [email protected].
5.10 Warning and Error Codes
When switched on the instrument will perform a predetermined self-test sequence taking
approximately 30 seconds. During this time many of the instrument’s working parameters
and settings are checked. If any operational parameters are out of specification or if the
pre-programmed recommended calibration/service date has passed, errors or warnings
may be displayed.
Note: For further information please refer to section ‘8.0 Problem Solving’ of this