Section 2: Operating Procedures
ZST40 & ZST48 Zero Turn Mowers 357-505M
Safe Operating Instructions
The safe operation of any machinery is a big concern to
all consumers. Your Zero Turn Riding Mower has been
designed with many built-in safety features. However, no
one should operate this mower before carefully reading
this Operator’s Manual and all instructions noted on the
safety decals.
Prior to operating the mower
the operator should be
thoroughly familiar with proper use and operation of the
machine, should read the manual completely and thoroughly,
and should have attempted slow moving maneuvers to become
familiar with the operation of the machine before attempting
normal speed operation. An inexperienced operator should
not mow on slopes or on uneven terrain.
All guards must be installed and in good condition at all times
during operation!
Never place hands or feet under the deck or attempt to make
any adjustments to the mower deck while the engine is running
or when the blades are engaged. Mower blades rotating at a
high speed cannot be seen and are located very close to the
deck housing. Fingers and toes can be cut off instantly.
Do not mow with people present in the mowing area.
Projectiles can suddenly, without warning, discharge from
under the mower deck causing serious injury or death.
Never direct discharge of material from mower deck towards
people, animals or buildings. Keep discharge chute in its
lowest position and never remove discharge chute unless a
complete grass collection system is in place. Projectiles can
suddenly, without warning, discharge from under the mower
deck causing serious injury or death.
The tailpipe and muffler are very hot and can ignite dry
grasses, brush and other flammable materials. Always keep
area around muffler and tailpipe clear of debris. Allow muffler
and tail pipe to cool completely before removing any debris to
prevent sever burns to the body. Make sure all debris around
the muffler have been removed before parking mower inside a
building or garage.
Always check area to be mowed for rocks and other debris
before mowing.
Always wear hearing protection, safety glasses, clothing that
does not hang loosely, and shoes or boots when operating this
machine. All shirts should be buttoned up the front and tucked
in the trousers, long sleeve shirts should be buttoned at the
cuffs. Some conditions may warrant extra safety gear be worn
such as dust masks for dust inhalation and safety helmets.
Mower deck and operator platform can be slippery when wet.
Always make sure your footing is secure when climbing onto
operator platform to be seated.
Be familiar with all functions of this mower.
Do not operate a mower with damaged parts. Repair
all damaged and defective parts before putting mower
back in to service.
Keep all bystanders away from this mower during
Do not allow anyone to operate this mower who has
not fully read and comprehended this manual and has
not been properly trained in its safe operation.
Do not allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate
this mower.
No riders allowed. Carrying a rider can result in injury
and/or death to the rider and operator.
Do not operate mower while drinking or under the
influence of alcohol or drugs.
Always operate mower at a safe travel speed that will
maintain control. Allow time to react to obstacles in the
mower’s path. Reduce speed on rough, wet, slick or
unstable ground. Take care when driving around trees
so as not to scrape them. Do not make sudden
uncontrolled changes with the control levers. Change
speed and direction with steady controlled movements
of the control levers. Never drive recklessly.
Drive Zero Turn mowers up and down slopes, not
across slopes. Use a walk behind mower when
mowing across slopes.
Do not operate Zero Turn mowers on slopes greater
than 15 degrees. They are heavy and can crush a
person if they rollover sideways or flip over backwards.
Stay two or more mower widths away from drop-offs
such as ditches and retaining walls. Use a walk behind
mower or string trimmer close to drop-offs.
Do not drive too close to water. The surface near water
is often soft, wet and unstable. The grass can be wet
and slippery. Use a walk behind mower or string
trimmer when close to water.
Be aware of and avoid overhead hazards such as guy
wires, tree limbs and brush that have the potential of
hitting and/or poking one while riding the mower or
stopping a mower. Mark any potential hazards and be
alert to their presence.