LANCOM 1811n Wireless – LANCOM 1821n Wireless
Chapter 5: Connecting two networks
Instructions for LANconfig
Carry out the configuration on both routers, one after the other.
Launch the Wizard 'Connect two local area networks'. Follow the Wizard’s
instructions and enter the necessary data.
The Wizard will inform you when the required information is complete.
You can then close the Wizard with
Once you have completed the set-up of both routers, you can start testing
the network connection. Try to communicate with a computer in the
remote LAN (e.g. with
). The LANCOM Router should automatically
connect to the remote site and make contact to the requested computer.
Ping – the quick test of a TCP/IP con-
To test a TCP/IP connection, simply send a
from your computer to a computer in
the remote network. Details on the ping
command are available from the documen-
tation for your operating system.
IPX connections can be tested by searching
for a remote Novell server. NetBIOS connec-
tions can be tested by searching a computer
in the remote Windows workgroup.