LAMBDA OMNICOLL Fraction Collector - Sampler
Operation MANUAL 2023.01
1.3 How to increase the capacity of the fraction collector?
Since several lower parts of the collector can be coupled together, the capacity of the
collector can be increased many times.
The control unit can move freely from one lower unit to the other on the gear rails. Only two
rectangular coupling bars are needed to keep two units together.
• Remove the two blind bars from the rear side of the frame of the first lower part unit
and the front side of the second lower part unit. Insert the coupling bars (Art. No.
6912) on their place and fix with the four bolts.
• Be aware that you must remove the fixed stop signal from the first frame unit and
place it onto the next one. You may also use the magnetic stop contact.
• Make sure that nothing will block the movement of the control unit during the fraction
Figure 1.3-1 Fraction collector with extended
capacity for 12 streams and 250 ml fraction
collection bottles.
The tube capacity of the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector and sampler can be easily
increased by the addition of lower support. Virtually any number of capacity extensions can
be added.