O & M Manual – Insulated Case ATS Rev: October 2020
Publication Number:
Version: V10.01.20
Page 70
Standard and Optional Accessories
Lake Shore Electric offers many additional accessories for the Single Motor Operator and Dual
Motor Operator transfer switches. Please check the documents and drawings for a specific switch
to see what additional options are included.
Service Entrance (Optional)
This option provides for the Automatic Transfer Switch to be labeled as suitable for use as service
equipment. The Actual determination of designating it as service equipment rests with the
engineer in charge of the project or the authority having jurisdiction. When the Service Entrance
accessory is selected, the Transfer Switch is suitable for use as Service Entrance Equipment and
is provided with the following additional equipment:
Padlockable Enclosure
Over Current Trip and Bell Alarm for the Service Disconnect
LED Indication of Source “Tripped”
A Means to Disable the HMI Keypad
Neutral Bus with Main and Ground Lugs
Main Bonding Jumper per NEC 2002 250.8
Appropriate Nameplates and Instructions to be Applied in the Field
Instructions and labeling that accompanies the service entrance transfer switch will be in the
following format.
When required by the National Electric Code or the engineer in charge of the
project, connect one side of the grounding strap that is presently mounted on the
neutral bar to ground. The other side of the grounding strap will remain connected
to the neutral bar.
Apply the “SERVICE DISCONNECT” label on or near the operating handle of the
Normal circuit breakers as required per the National Electrical Code or the
engineer in charge of the project.
Apply the “SERVICE ENTRANCE” label on the outside of the enclosure door above
the door handle.
If the building is supplied by more than one service, a permanent plaque or directory should be
installed at this service disconnect denoting the location of all other services, feeders and branch
circuits supplying this building in accordance with 2002 NEC 230-2.E.