O & M Manual – Insulated Case ATS Rev: October 2020
Publication Number:
Version: V10.01.20
Page 66
DSE2157 – Output Expansion Board
Figure 48 - DSE2157 Controls and Indications
Table 23 – DSE2157 LED Indications
Power on / Link Lost
Steady when DC supply is connected, and data is being
received from the host controller.
Flashing When the DC supply is connected and the data
connection to the host controller is not operating.
Status 1-8
Lit when the corresponding relay is active.
ID Switch - The rotary ID switch is used to select the ‘ID’ of the 2157 expansion module. The
host controller gives instructions to one, or a number, of 2157 expansion modules at the same
The enclosure cover must be unclipped, and removed, to gain access to the switch. The switch
should be operated using a small screwdriver and set to match the required ID.
NOTE: The ID must be a unique number, different from the ID of any other 2157 module
connected to the host controller. If two or more 2157 controllers are required to ‘mimic’ each
other then they should be configured with different IDs, and both configured the same in the
host controller.