O & M Manual – Insulated Case ATS Rev: October 2020
Publication Number:
Version: V10.01.20
Page 45
Undervoltage Trip Settings for S1 and S2 Sources
Factory Default Settings (Default: Active Protection)
S1 Pick-Up Setting: 90% of the nominal voltage.
S1 Drop-Out Setting: 80% of the nominal voltage.
S2 Pick-Up Setting: 90% of the nominal voltage.
S2 Drop-Out Setting: 80% of the nominal voltage.
NOTE: If these values need to be adjusted, please contact the factory for assistance.
Overvoltage Trip Settings for S1 and S2 Sources
Factory Default Settings (If Applicable)
S1 Pick-Up Setting: 115% of the nominal voltage.
S1 Drop-Out Setting: 120% of the nominal voltage.
S2 Pick-Up Setting: 115% of the nominal voltage.
S2 Drop-Out Setting: 120% of the nominal voltage.
NOTE: If these values need to be adjusted, please contact the factory for assistance.
Under-Frequency Trip Settings for S1 and S2 Sources
Factory Default Settings (If Applicable)
S1 Pick-Up Setting: 58 Hz
S1 Drop-Out Setting: 30 Hz
S2 Pick-Up Setting: 58 Hz
S2 Drop-Out Setting: 30 Hz
The Drop-Out Setting is set to half the frequency to prevent nuisance tripping during gen
NOTE: If these values need to be adjusted, please contact the factory for assistance.
Over-Frequency Trip Settings for S1 and S2 Sources
Factory Default Settings (If Applicable)
S1 Pick-Up Setting: 58 Hz
S1 Drop-Out Setting: 62 Hz
S2 Pick-Up Setting: 58 Hz
S2 Drop-Out Setting: 62 Hz
The Drop-Out Setting is set to half the frequency to prevent nuisance tripping during gen
NOTE: If these values need to be adjusted, please contact the factory for assistance.