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2002-2015 ©laisdcc Design in HK, Made in China
LaisDcc Decoder Manual
Thank you for purchasing LaisDcc decoders. We are sure that out of the packet, it will do everything you
need and deliver smooth, reliable results with a minimum of fuss because from the very beginning what we
set out to do was to create a versatile, easy to install and simple to adjust range of products that offer
exceptional value and top quality performance when used with any NMRA compatible control system.
Similarly we have done our best to make this manual direct and easy to understand so you will be
encouraged to learn a little about how simple it is to do much more than just set addresses and so be able to
enjoy the process and benefits of getting the best possible performance from your locomotives.
In its initial form, this manual will cover all of the basics, however there are so many special features
available from our decoders that we felt it best to limit this document to things that most modelers can do or
will want to do when they are comfortable with their control system…
Table of contents:
General Specifications for LaisDcc decoders:
Primary feature listing for LaisDcc decoders:
Addressing and first steps in decoder set up.
Basic wiring and description of related wire color codes
Conceptual installation diagrams for steam and diesel
Description of functions and related wire color codes.
Changing the way that a function acts and activating special light functions:
Changing which controller button acts on or activates each function:
Tuning and adjusting the motor control in your LaisDcc Decoder
Other useful things that LaisDcc decoders can do:
Locking the decoder
CV29 – the CV that’s often mentioned… but you should not really need to adjust!
General Specifications for LaisDcc decoders:
Power Handling:
All LaisDcc decoders have more than adequate power for any N, TT, HO, OO, On30 or similar modelling
scale. They are also suitable for many S or O scale models when powered with modern low current draw can
or coreless motors.
We set our decoder specifications at “Standards compatible” NMRA track voltages – please be aware that
while US based systems meet this specification all of the time, many EU made controllers will often have
track voltages well in excess of DCC standards recommendations and while our decoders will still perform
reliably and well irrespective of your systems actual output voltage, we do suggest that if it is higher than the
standards say it should be then a slightly more conservative current draw rating should be assumed.
In general, providing your locomotive draws less than 1 amp consistently with an average train, then you
should use them with confidence. If your locomotive is old with an inefficient motor that draws more than ¾ of
our rated decoder power consistently, then we do suggest that when slipping or under excess load it may
We have released new manual V2 at http://laisdcc.com/LaisDcc_Decoders_Manual_V2.pdf