6. Application Example
Measurement and Evaluation
Read plate at a wavelength of 492 nm, reference at 620 nm.
Blank reader/plate on well A1.
Concentrations of the Calibrators (Standards):
Calibrator 1
5 UA/ml
Calibrator 2
10 UA/ml
Calibrator 3
20 UA/ml
Calibrator 4
40 UA/ml
Calibrator 5
80 UA/ml
Calibrator 6
160 UA/ml
After the blank correction the optical densities (OD 492 - OD 620) are plotted
versus the concentration. The regression line that goes through these points is
the standard curve.
Interpretation of the test results:
IgM < 18 UA/ml
18 UA/ml
IgM < 22 UA/ml
22 UA/ml
The calculated IgM concentration of both negative controls must be under
8 UA/ml.
Data Handling
After the measurement, the data file (workspace) is stored automatically and a
report containing the measurement parameters, plate layout, blanked values,
standard curve, IgM-concentrations, cutoff definition, qualitative results of the
samples and validations is created.
Additionally, the layout and the qualitative results are being stored as ASCII file.