Laboratory2, LTD
Version of 09.04.2019
Analysis of the tags may be formed, for example, using Sound Forge version 6.0 or higher, or
using software supplied
(Section 2.6).
Fig. 7. Example of automatic tags recognition by the
Sound Forge
program in audio files of
voice recorder. The name of each label corresponds to the date and time of its creation.
4 Logger
Logger is designed to register history of recorder’s operation and emergencies to the non-
volatile memory.
In addition, logger contains manufacturing data (recorder identification number and
firmware number)
Logger stores from 32 to 48 latest events, as well as their time and date.
If the logger is turned on (see. 2.5 (i)) and voice recorder is switched off (except
emergency reset) logger is recorded to micro SD into the file INF_REG.TXT.
It is not recommended to use the logger continuously
since this reduces nonvolatile
memory resource of the voice recorder (it only affects work of the logger itself).
Brief description of the recorded events and the logger structure is given in Table 4.
Tag on VOX initiali-
Tag on pressing the but-