LA Fitness MX800 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание MX800

Страница 1: ...ilfionililIRIII il I11 illfilll fll MX8serles ...

Страница 2: ...zed treadmill Tohelpensure the enjoyabte andtrouble free operation ofyournewtreadmill westrongly suggest youreadthts manual carefully andfollowitsrecommendations I ImpoftantSafe Instntction I I I I ssembh Irclruction 2 MX800 a MX85A J COI SOLE OPERATIOII 4 20a6t11 MXB 3 ...

Страница 3: ...rical outlet andaiways prevent thechildren from Canger because of careless touching tKeep eiectrrc cord away from heated surfaces tKeep nands clear ofailrnoving parts Never place lrands or feetunder thetreadmiil tBeforeeach use check thaitherunning belt isaligned anc centered on thetreaomiii bedandal1visible fasteners onthetreadmrli are sufficiently tlghtened andsecure aKeeptnetreaomlli ona solid ...

Страница 4: ...ofthetreadmlll togetbetter access totheparts onthebottom youwillnotice thatthetreadmill iscompleteiy assembied except forthehandlebars andthedisplay window Parts Frame nase frame L Support handle Left r Support handle R ight Handtebar Left Handtebar Right rJ Consr le bracket Handlerail ig Console Rack Left O Rack Right 1 Baseframecover Left 13 Baseframecover Left 14 Baseframecover Left easeframeco...

Страница 5: ... i n g h a n d l e O O o 1 attached 4 22 screwandwasherandfrxit FlG3 4 Attach andtrghten screw 18 andnut 1Q on leftsupport handle Attach andtighten screw c nd washer 22 on rght support handle Repeat thesameon rightsideiFlG4 5 Attach baseframecovers 3 and 14 to matchcoverllon lBftbaseframeandthentighten withscrews 23 24 FlG4 6 Repeat thesameon rightsideforbaseframecovers15 16 ll FlG5t Warning 1 Be ...

Страница 6: ... There willalso beanemergency stop switch Safety Key MODE This willaccept programs eveseiect on Andthls wrlswitch orsplay dataondatawtndov c nE xerctse __ _ Buttons and Windows Quickkeysfor sPeed incline Quick keys forincline 4 6 8 14 Quick keys forspeed 4 6 8 10 km hr l 1 r t __ iirb lf thelightundereachbuttonis flashing it means fo usethatbuttonfornextsefupprocess There are1 LCDwindowand3 LEDwin...

Страница 7: ...This will set up each program into every step START STOP Thrswillstart thetreadmill andthiswiiistoptne treadmill Therewillalsobe an ernergency stopswitch Safety Key MODE This willaccept programs level selection Andthis willswitch display data ondata window during exercise Quickkeysforspeed incline Quick keys forincline 46B10 Quick keys forspeed 4 6 8 10 kmihr l t l lf thelightundereachbuttonis fla...

Страница 8: ...olume 2 in MENUmode Ifggstoadjust thevalu MENUMode Allowrng userto adjust thevalue of Brightness Conirast Color andTint 1 Hold MODE for3 4 seconds rnto MENU model Using button CH andCH to select theltenr youllketo setup 2 Usrng outton VOL andVOL to adl rst value ofeacnrtem asbelow Description BRIGHTNESS Adiust BRIGHTNESS 0 63 CONTRAST I AdiustCONTRAST 0 63 COLOR AdjustCOLOR0 63_ TINT A d j u s t T...

Страница 9: ...admiil DertTneusersets thespeed to a desired levelandtheprogram nrodifies theinclineTheusercanc eri rde theincline fo ranysegment within theworkout butattheendof eachworkout segment theprogranr iiloverride any adlustnrents maoetotherncltne 1Attach safety keyanopress MODE intoseiecting program mode 2 Usrng speed arrow buttons to choose oesired preset program Pl P12 Thenpress EN lER LCDwindow shows ...

Страница 10: ... than target heart rate 5 tf it does nof read heart ratesignalfrom user in 3A secondsafter warming up period the treadmill sfops info runendmode BoduMcss Cnly forMX80 a I 1 Attach safety keyandpress l 4ODE tntoselecting program rnode 2 Using speed arrowbuttons to choose BodyMass program Thenpress ENTER 3 Usrng speed or rncline arrow buttons to input yoursex height werght andage Thenpress ENTER 4 L...

Страница 11: ...I 2 2 11 t1 11 11 I 4 n 1 c i q t 1 _ P6 EVEi I 2 2 3 A J 3 3 2 L J 3 J l t I 2 J 1 L I EVEI 2 3 3 3 I I 5 5 1 1 I J 3 3 t 5 I 3 1 4 J 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 0 6 6 5 4 4 t 0 5 5 5 6 0 6 5 J 1 4 D 5 4 4 7 1 E B b 0 4 4 2 I 2 o EYf I 2 2 2 3 I _1 l 1 4 5 6 0 rEVt 2 3 3 3 4 1 A 5 5 0 6 0 1 a c 6 I I 9 t f 5 3 3 tE E 3 4 1 5 5 5 6 0 6 7 8 8 R I 9 g 1C 10 10 8 r c 0 6 i J PE t i i 1 2 I I I 1 6 0 6 I B t 1 c 0 ...

Страница 12: ......

Страница 13: ...I 3 P5 i EVil 1 1 7 2 I I 2 9 9 2 7 1 f 1 z t I 1 0 1 0 J 3 1 0 8 I 1C l L 1 9 2 1 l 1 1 4 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 3 P6 IVEL 1 a L a L 3 A J a 3 4 3 2 3 a tEVri 2 3 A 5 A J A 5 4 3 A 3 t VEL 1 4 4 5 6 5 A a 5 6 5 5 4 A P7 t vit 1 o Z A q 6 7 7 8 8 4 6 2 t VEL 2 3 A 5 t 7 I 8 Y q 7 I 3 VEt I A a 5 6 7 U 9 I 1 0 6 B 1 0 A PE rEVEt 1 o L A o 8 I 7 7 6 3 4 5 o EVEL 3 6 7 9 Y 8 7 A 5 6 3 I EVEL 1 A 6 1 0 1 0 9 Y...

Страница 14: ...ed periodrc andpreventative rna ntenance canvord yourwarrantv Belorc comnleling anexercisc t thcendofcuely exclcise sessi0n always sGssion always lf voufeeidizzy nausea cnestplr ar ciheiaDnorrnal svmporrs slopinrmediateiy Consirt a physrcian befcre continuing use Remcve tle Salety Keyfromthe onrputer cofsoe Usethe irrasler po ve switch to l rf ihe lreadrn it oif Theraslef pc r ier sv rtci s icater...

Страница 15: ...irection tnebeit isdrifting 3 lfthebeltdrifts totheleft turniheiefiaclusiment Dolt with wrench 6 one quaner of a turncrockiv se iSeeFIGCI lfthebeltdrifts to theright turntherightaClustment bolt withwrench 6 one quarter of a turnclockwlse See FIG D Observe thetracking ofthebelt forabout 30 secondsRepeat step3 1and5 asneeded 2 f o r r n n o r l r h r o a i i c a u r u L n U r d t d r L d r u t r E s...

Страница 16: ...oi few seccnds after pressing Start but stops p ease check f ihe set scr near flywhee of front roilei t s ioose oI defecttVe I D e a s e c r e c t i t e r L l c L Cr l c t o l P o S u l 5 Please aontact stcres for service if E l can noi re so ve j E4 lvlXB00 UnderBcdy lvlass progr am hearilate s i rol ieadc ilriita rrrlrni rcus 6 sec l Please reselor fernove safetJ kev Tlrenrui r bcd irnass1r3s 21...
