Barista Milk Mate 1.5
© La Cultura Del Caffè GesmbH
Page 32 | 36
The images collected here can be selected as standby image on the device after transferring them.
The selected image is then shown in the standby screen of the device.
The names may freely be edited, however you have to take care of the maximum text length of 30
The number of the image is assigned automatically when added, but can be changed freely in the
range from 1 to 20. This number is used for the mapping on the device.
In the column "Standby" you can define which image shall be displayed on the standby screen.
Only one can be chosen – a multiple selection is prevented here.
ATTENTION: Every single image must have a unique number. Therefore repeated usage of the
same number is already prevented when typing.
The following functions are available via the buttons next to the table:
add an image via a dialog box (if required, image size and color depth are
automatically adjusted to values needed at the device)
Supported image types are BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF und PNG files.
delete the selected image(s) from the configuration
remove all images from the configuration