Installation Manual
Page 2-2 - Installation
July 18, 2013
Revision F
Location is an important factor for maximum antenna performance. Optimum location for a particular
aircraft type is usually available from the aircraft manufacturer. In selecting a location, consider the
Directional Antenna
The mounting site should be on the top forward fuselage, as close to the
centerline as possible, and within -10 degrees of the in-flight horizon (see Figure
2-1). The optimum mounting point for maximum coverage is as far forward as
possible without exceeding the -10 degrees forward pitch. If necessary,
consideration should be given to relocating other antennas to obtain the furthest
forward location for the directional antenna. The antenna should be mounted on
the aircraft with at least 20 dB isolation (about 30 inches (76.2 cm)) from other
L-band frequency antennas and 24 inches (61.0 cm) from other antennas or
obstructions. The ground-plane should be as large as possible, a 30-inch (76.2
cm) ground-plane diameter is recommended.
The directional antenna can be bottom mounted only if a suitable top mount
location is not available. Each bottom mount installation must be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis. Before starting a bottom mount installation, contact Field
Service Engineering at 1-800-453-0288 or 1-616-949-6600.
Figure 2-1: Directional Antenna Mounting Location
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